Hi guys.. did that Mormon prick disappear yet? I couldn’t stomach how that sad little demon took over the forums, and I have a hard time not reacting to trolls, so kept clear. Thanks to Dawg and many others, the troll was battled and showed his true colors of virulent racism, hatred and homophobia. It was SAD because evil people like that are one of the things that has made me hate society, the world, and assured me I am right o withdraw and watch the whole of the country walk cheerfully into the shitter shouting God Bless USA!! God Bless US!.
Anyway – this is all about me!!
Thanks to the help of many on this board and some of my friends, I have somehow survived the 5 weeks between calling a Psychiatrist and getting an appointment, and am due to see him tomorrow. I have managed to suppress the stronger urges to hurt myself, but depression still lingers and out-of-size anger still erupts. For instance, there are 2 little shitty dogs in my hood that neighbors let run loose, and they chase kids, pets, endanger bikers and skateboarders and just generally beg to be put down. Friday they ran into my garage from 5 houses away to bark at me and nip at my feet, and I exploded in a rage that shocked the neighbors. Worse, i could not stop, for long afterwards, imagining revenge on the neighbors, how to kill the dogs, how t not be caught, etc. etc. etc. “Normal” people get barked at and get on with their lives; I could NOT get on with my life. This, I recognize, is not a rational reaction. I called a relative who talked me down, whew. But a perfect example of how out-of-control my reactions are, whether that reaction is anger at luck, sadness at life, or disappointment in others. All turned up to 11.
I know immediate relief from one visit to a shrink is not possible, but I am taking steps while I have a job and insurance before things get even more awful. Once we have a Mormon President, things are going to get even worse, way worse. (Anyone who still believes that the vote actually offers a choice, and is not simply a front for installing whomever the true owners of the USA require, please ask why there is NO media mention of the Mormon beliefs nbablows has been so kind to share with us.).
Anyway just that – thanks for being here, thanks for informing nbablows of his true godless nature , and please, all, be well. I will let you know how things work out for me in the weeks ahead. This site is a true oasis, and some of the replies are just amazing medicine.
Hello; I hear you with the irrational anger. In 2005 I had a house with a great backyard and an awesome lawn. My neighbor from two doors away had a little dog that used to creep into my yard and take little dog shits on my perfectly manicured grass. I told the neighbor, but the dog still kept leaving landmines on my lawn.
One day I caught the dog in the act. I scooped up his gift and placed it on my neighbors welcome mat, right in front of his door. I rang the bell but he never answered. (I’m glad now that he didn’t). The neighbor and I never spoke again after that, chances are I might have over reacted a little bit.
Good luck with the shrink.
As many know … I have a thing for dogs … as much as they can sometimes be frustrating and annoying … it ALWAYS boils down to the irresponsible owner. yes … NBA is gone for now (or so it appears) … although it would not surprise me to see him pop back in the future. he’s nothing but a punk who has bought the indoctrination hook, line and sinker. people like that are really a glaring failure of theology … they’re the stuff wars are made of … unyielding at any cost.
glad you’re working on you š
all the best
“black” dawg
Yeah, Dawg, it’s the owners, always. It’s the same old syndrome – to quote the amazing film “God Bless America”: “..they are incapable of comprehending that their actions affect others”. The dumb owners are probably decent folks; they are hard working, I see that; they are raising a family. I only see the children interract with the dogs by chasing them with sticks and attacking them with water guns, so of course, that’s how the dogs behave. That’s how they’ve been taught to behave around people – defend yourself, run and bark, chase. My neighborhood is full of dogs, but all kept on leash or in yard, while these little frankensteins run loose all day and night. If the owners could see beyond their own little family unti, they might behave differently. It’s annoying but surely not worth the anger and energy I gave it. I could never really hurt a doggie. But I might dial animal control one of these days.
“Like the “black” dawg — remember, just follows nba’s guidance and you can “turn white”. My eyes just rolled all the way back in my head till in could see my skull.
heh … I feel paler already š
i figured I’d run with his race baiting to see how far he’d go … surprisingly far it turns out … of course, anyone who looks back through the picture page would be able to see who/what I am … not that it should matter.
As dogs go – it’s funny how the parents get the dog to “teach” their children responsibility and it becomes a huge mega-fail for both the child and the dog(s). before calling the animal control people you could try aspca or a rescue group that might give them a stern talking to and recommend raining before it becomes a financial hardship and potentially the dogs life is simply forfeit because it’s just “not worth it” if the dog gets captured by county animal control … I know the urge is to make them”pay” but it tends to be the dog that loses the most … namely, it’s life :/
info dawg
Oh my, nbarules is back as :uncommon sense” and tried to comment on this, and go after Dawg again. Yeah, Jesus sure has some winners pitching for him!! More proof that God is either nonexistent, uninvolved, or a cruel prick. His spokesmem surely say little for his/her management style!
Luckily the comment needed approval from me, not sure why it works that way with some and not with others. Hopefully he can be restrained to a “must be approved” list by the moderators. And I didn’t see any proof, before this, that anyone or thing moderated this site. Nice to know.
Good pup advice, too. Right now my real goal is to control my own overreactions and just go back to pitying the animal. Truth is, the fact that it is allowed to run loose 24/7 means it is probably only a matter of time before a car ends it or a raccoon takes up the challenge.
My nearest neighbors are dog neglecters; not cruel but definitely not loving and responsible. Poor “Lucky” – I always take time to praise him and stroke his nose through the fence slots. Wonderful animal; barks when protecting, stops and calms when he hears my gentle voice. Yes, the dogs are not to blame, ever.
I am tempted to try to match your always-pleasing signoffs, but you are the mater of that fun, support dawg!!
Yeah – I saw that … I believe new posters automatically require moderation for about a day or so on all threads … after that I think only posts with links need approval. i always laugh when I read someone’s rant that basically breaks every rule in the bible but tells you how much you should see the “light” and ‘wisdom” of god … i don’t think it was nba though … maybe his dad lol
anytime I feel my anger level rise I try to take a deep breath and wait for a moment before i open my pie hole … i actually try to see the situation from their point of view during that moment and try to understand why they might behave in a way that would otherwise anger me – usually it’s simple ignorance – meaning they could not know that what they said or did would have that effect on me … so i try to kindly explain hat I disagree with them. took lots of time and practice … I still blow up occasionally … but WAY less than when I was younger … and not nearly as bad … I actually learned good calming techniques in a customer service class where I used to work about 15 years or so ago.
interesing thing about dogs – they don’t so much need “pity” as they need calm assertive leadership and structure. … I’ve been a life long dog guy … but I’ve learned more stuff from the dog whisperer in the last few years than I did my whole life – or at least the “why” of what I seemed to understand instinctively.
as for my sign off – get your own LOL š
actually I do it so I can find my past posts when searching the comments page – the adjective is just for relevant fun but not always required.
dog dawg
FYI – if you ever want to discuss something privately – feel free to grab my email addy from the comment’s page it should show up next to this post.
post dawg
Thats funny you thought i was uncommon sense