I’m really really starting to loose all enthusiasm in my life. I have no social life anymore, work takes up all my time and I hate it, I feel so miserable there but getting another job is difficult because I have no transport. I have too much spare time and nothing to do with it, I have lost so many of my friends and the ones I have left don’t seem to really wanna hang out with me. I’m just getting frustrated beyond belief, not just life, but myself.
I just need some friends. Some people to hang out with. People to laugh and joke with. That’s all I want.
know the feeling
– no idea what to suggest
I can relate. I live near no one and I have no life.
Group activities makes people closer. Try it out. Maybe painting, sports or something you like. Go out to the meetings with those people and talk about stuff they are into, maybe it will become your passion too. It will do good for you. I wish it does.