What to say? I came to this site out of desperation so I hope it is authentic. I am a 36 year old female who has experienced depression in cycles for as long as I can remember. Late last year I was given a provisional diagnosis of “Bipolar Type II”. After initially being prescribed Lamotrigine (caused skin rash so stopped) I went cold turkey slowly came off 200mg zoloft. Just recently I have been on fluoxetine for around six weeks and have been advised to take seroquel xr (as of yesterday) After a period of depression and mixed episodes I am now feeling a bit hypomanic but still depressed (mixed state?) Anyhow, I have been trying to work out how to die and make it look like an accident to my loved ones.
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I was on Welbutrin for a while and it really helped but for some reason after about 8 months it started to make me irritated and short tempered. I’m on Effexor right now and it hasnt helped at all. I feel worse then ever actually. I’m sure you’ve tried all the usual natural stuff; St. Johns wort, eating right, getting plenty of exercise, yoga (which really helped my exwife who is also bipolar), magnesium etc..
Regardless of whether or not it looks like an accident your family will still be in shock and will suffer severe emotional pain. Do you have any children?