Ok. So my step dad is taking my little twin sisters.. Just when we started becomming a real family again.. Jade os okay with it.. She wants to but Brianna is unsure. How is a child sopossed to choose between her mom and sister and he twin sister. God im so scared.. Everythings falling apart.. My mom is becomming depressed.. My depression is getting worse.. It doesnt help that my step dad is addicted to the computer.. He cant even cook himself a meal.. He is late for work EVERY SINGLE DAY. He wont be able to get up and get my sisters to school.. He wont be able to make sure if their homework is done or if they  are in bed at a decent time.. He cant even look after dogs for fuck sakes. Why is this happening?! Why cant things go right for once? God.. Its all my fault Jade wants to leave. She told me I’m the reason she wishes she was never born.. We dint say we live eachother we say we hate eachother. God jm so fucking stupid. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! If its ok for him to hit m for my sisters.. Is it okay if he hits them? God..
None of that is your fault. Don’t be do hard on yourself.
True, none of this is your fault.
You are not the parent, they are.
It’s not ok for anyone to hit anyone else.
It’s very clear that you care about your family!
You need to take care of yourself too!
It is though. im serious
hold on……
TALK to me first please. I have to think there is a better choice. Please – lets talk first.
The whole reason my ass of a stepfather is winning this is because I make my sisters life hell. Its unfair. And I have no clue what to do.
ok. i will have to ask you to be patient with me – my brain kinda sucks after my suicide attempts on depression….. I just am not as smart as I used to be.
Explain this better to me. Your stepfather is destroying your family setting and that is YOUR fault??? Doesnt make sense to me. Sounds like it is HIS fault.
Why would you punish yourself for someone elses issue?
Ah, sorry.. Um well its not all my fault.. I just feel like I should take blame for it? Cause me and my sisters fight. ALOT. And swear and call eachother names.. I probly fucked with them so much. So maybe thats why my one sister wants to leave.. And its breaking my moms heart.
Siblings always fight. I’m sorry that she’s leaving. Where is she going exactly?
A different town. About 15 minutes away. But I will only see then every second weekend. My stepdad said we can take them every weekend, but my mom says no because she doesnt want to make it easy for him.. Im going insane over this. Sorry for the late reply.. I have troubles getting online.