My grandparents were gonna let me see my dad in California before I go back to VA but he can’t afford to get me back in time for court, so again, not gonna see him. This game that’s been going on between them my whole life. So I have a choice. Go back to VA early with my sister or stay the rest of the summer here and go back when we were planning to-at the end of the summer. If I leave early, I know it will break my mom’s heart again and I’ll have to be with my grandparents longer. But if I stay, I’m afraid they’ll be all over my mom about paying for me to get back to VA when they KNOW she barely survives off the little money she gets. I don’t want to choose again… I don’t know what to do… My grandfather asked where I want to live, with my mom, dad, or them…. “you made the choice before, now I’m adding a third option” making it sound like an easy choice… Last time my choice screwed up my head and my heart. It killed me. It’s too soon to choose again. And like a third option makes it easier? I have to choose wether I want to stay for the summe and possibly get them more mad at my mom, or go back early and hurt my mom, and then I have to choose who I want ti live with. And I don’t have much time to choose. I will loose so much no matter what choice I make. And if I choose to be with my dad, I’ll probly be let down because my grandparents are full of crap liars. I know no one here can help with this, this just seemed like the only place I could let it out… Felt like I would explode if no one else knew.. Thanks for wasting your time on me.
Maybe I’ll just leave early… Everyone likes my brother more as an only child, I just fight with him all the time and He hates me. He said my mom said she couldn’t afford me, couldn’t afford another mouth to feed. I know she wants me to be with her, but I’m only a burden.
What about simply living with someone else?? Where do you live? Tell me about u
I live with my grandparents but right now I’m in Florida visiting my mom. I only know my dad through the phone. I’m stuck living with my grandparents cuz… well long story. I think it’s explained in my first post but basically huge fight over moving to Florida and my grandparents interfered so my sister could stay in Virginia and I had a choice and in a moment of weakness, I chose to stay. Then I couldn’t take it back. So my mom moved and I was stuck. Didn’t realize how much that choice would hurt me. I HATE my grandparents. Since I’ve been down here it hasn’t been so great either. My brother hurts me more than he ever did before.. I don’t feel like there’s any escape -.- I’m trapped