these days my mom is slowly trying to mold me into this over holy person, i feel like she is drowning me, an i am losing who i am slowly, while trying to please others ,an i feel like am at a constant battle trying to be me . So i just wanna say that life is hard but the obstacles we get through are what makes us who we are ,and dont let ppl change you cause in the end you will never realize who you anymore, and to all those ppl out there who are struggling stay strong, be true to yourself, dont let ppl change who you are, cause we arent ment to be the same, we are ment to be individuals!! and if ppl dont get you, change the ppl you lime with not yourself . Be a leader not a follower.An NEVER try to anything less than yourself.
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Take your own advice! You’re very smart. Never let anyone, not even your mom try to change you. You are who you are no matter what. And that’s a beautiful thing. Stay strong <3