Everything today has gone to shit….
My brother just waking up and going to watch tv somehow got on my nerves
I had a credit card company call and leave a message
I had a bike stolen a while ago which was given to me by my landlord and she just asked where it was…. (least of my problems)
I lost a friend and I don’t know why… I just woke up and all of the sudden shes unfriended me…. 🙁 this one hurts the most…
I ruined my plant – I was trying to change the cycle to make it bud, covering it with a garbage bag, and now its shriveled… I may be able to recover it if I am still alive and lucky…
I have no weed
I have no money
and I want to hack the shit out of both of my wrists… everything just collided and went to shit today…
fuuuuuck fuuuuck fuuuuck I want to die :(
I guess what goes back up always comes crashing down 🙁
I love you Kthx! I would never unfriend you!! <3 No don't cut up your wrists!! I'm here now, i'm still your friend, I care a lot about you – please don't do that!! 🙁
but where you go ? :'(
everything went to shit today :'(
Some people wake up in the morning with cancer or no food to eat. I know this type of thinking doesn’t always help, but sometimes you have to remind yourself when you are being silly.
Silly? Far from silly this is… Your a fucking hypocrite, judging by your name…
What has cancer or food got to do with any of this? Other than I wouldnt mind one of those illnesses taking me right now….
The only silly thing is, is comparing cancer, having no food, to people who are suicidal. That is just something you cannot compare. It can make someone feel even worse about themselves.
On the plus side, at least your internet isn’t down and your computer/smartphone hasn’t stopped working. 🙂
Actually, my internet is down, and my iPhone is cracked badly on both sides… And I refuse to answer it . How did you know? O____o
Ktxhbai2u- I’m sure you’re dealing with a lot of anxiety right now…but when you feel just a tiny bit better please let me know how you’re doing.
Actually, this ‘episode’ was depression, not anxiety… thanks for the concern though
I’m sorry you feel like all your shit came crashing down today. That fucking sucks. Let’s just hope the shit crashing doesn’t last too long. (I’m not saying the depression, just that you get a break soon enough)
thanks… I am sure everyone knows what it’s like.
Now I am just waiting…. for nobody915 to come back…. I guess she needed time to herself too…
Actually, the anxiety probably did worsen things… who knows anymore… It’s a toss in the air when it comes to my brain :-/
We do…it’s like every fucking day…
She’ll get back on…soon enough.
I figured the anxiety wasn’t helping you any. (just from reading your post)
Yeah I was wrong to dismiss it, but who thinks straight when this shit happens? lol
I totally understand and know the feeling. At least you got out a bit of your frustration….? And you didn’t slit your wrists (not badly I hope)
Badly, but only one…. I only cut deep enough to draw blood, but i scrape it maany times and its actually pretty bad… Kinda looks like I fell and scraped my wrist badly, but you can tell it was a blade because of the lack of dirt, and they are clean cuts… I feel like the other wrist is just a matter of time…