Well I ask you all. Is this world worth livng in anymore? I can’t find very many reasons for it to be. And I’m so young I should be enjoying life but instead I’m depressed andd looking for a way out. I’m to chiken to kill myself though. I don’t wanna die in pain. I want to die fast and not painfull. And I sure as hell don’t want to come back. Yes my parents and friends may miss me but they would have to understand I can’t handel it anymore. I’m not gonna go anywhere in life. I will probally become a drug addict and die of a overdose if I make it to 18. I’m scared that if I live to see 30 I will be alone amd nobody will care. And that maybe I will be homeless cause I cannot afford college and I’m not smart enough for scholarships. No guy wants me bbecause I’m ugly. I’m fat. Why would anyone want me? The only person I have i s a one night stand everynow and then whit the same girl because I’m bi. I want to be loved and wanted. I want to have someone twll me while they hole me in their arms that it will all be alright. Anyways by guys please comment I like to have people talk to me .
How old are you to start with? I’m a Guy but I’m straight id still can talk to you if you would like to talk. I know pain sees no age I’m here to talk with you.
I am 16 almost 17
Before you decide to take your life, imagine who will find you. Imagine them walking into a room, and seeing you just hanging there. Whether it be your little sister, little brother, mother father, grandparents, a friend. Imagine what will happen when they find you. No, they will not say “Finally, they’re gone.†No, they will not say “I’m happy they did that.†No, they will not say “I never loved them anyways.†They will die. Their hearts will break. They will hurt, more than you ever could. They will cry, scream, and break down. They’ll believe it’s all just a dream, praying to wake up. Except, they won’t feel that for a few seconds, or a few days, not weeks, nor months. They will feel that until the day they die. Everyday will be hell. They’ll think of you ever second. They’ll hate themselves for not being able to help or save you. They’ll wish they could die too. They’ll want to give up, just to be with you. They won’t be ever be happy again. They won’t smile. They won’t go back to their daily routine. They’ll die every time they walk past your room, or see a picture of you, or think of a memory with you. They’ll think, but stay quiet. They’ll visit your grave, feeling a knife go through their chest every time. And every morning when they wake up, no matter how long it’s been, they’ll wake up to thinking they’ll see you, only to be let down once again. And every night, they will cry themselves to sleep, because even though they refuse to admit it, know you’re gone forever.Before you decide to take your life, think of your family, burying you. Yes, your own mother and father are planning your funeral. It’s supposed to be the other way around, but it’s not. They’ll have to call the cops, sign a death certificate, pick out clothing, buy a tomb stone, a casket, pick out flower arrangements, and more; All for their child’s funeral. The morning of your funeral, everyone who loves you is wearing black. Tears are streaming down their face, while their heart is breaking. Everyone who you thought didn’t need you, or didn’t care, are waiting in line to see you. They aren’t waiting in line at a party, or a graduation, or at a wedding reception. They’re waiting to see you, hands folded, lifeless, in a casket.Before you decide to take your life, think of everyone you will be hurting. Don’t you dare so no one, because absolutely everyone will be affected. Your grandparents, won’t have a grandchild anymore. Your parents, won’t have a child anymore. Your brother or sister, won’t have a sibling anymore. Your pet, won’t have an owner anymore. That person you sit next to in class, won’t feel your presence anymore. Your teacher, won’t have a student anymore. That time your grandparents told you no, will haunt them forever, thinking it is their fault, that you are now dead. That time your parents yelled at you, will haunt them forever, thinking if they didn’t yell at you, you would still be here. That time your sibling said they hated you, will hate themselves, because they believe you would still be alive if they said they loved you instead. Those kids who made you feel bad, will wish they were dead too, because if they just smiled at you instead, you would be here. That teacher that you didn’t meet her expectations, will feel like a failure, because you would still be here, if she believed in you. Everyone, who has ever been in your presence, will hurt, because if they showed you they cared, you would still be here.
Before you decide to take your life, think. Don’t just think of yourself, think of the consequences for everyone else. No one’s life will be the same again. That person who God made specially for you, won’t have you. That happiness that was waiting for you, will never show again. Before you decide to take your life, realize that you may be ending your pain, but you’ll be starting a lifetime of everyone elses.
If you are feeling alone, and think that suicide is the only way out:
My ask is open, and I’m always here. I’ll never judge you. I’ll try to help you.
Talk to me :/ if this makes you feel worse, please email me, im here and i CARE!! your a complete stranger but i care, and i’ve been exactly where you are, reach out to me :3 Please don’t give up hope
– I RECENTLY SAVED A YOUNG 32YR OLD WOMAN on here , and heres her story,
I can help and im here.. i never left her, and i’ll never leave you, no matter how many times you push me away, i’m always here!
If you live by yourself, or your in a situation where your parents or anyone doesn’t care, I DO. Talk to me
You still have a whole lot of life to live and it will change for you. What makes life so bad for you
Could I email you. Some of it is a little personal..
Yes at sucardnls916@gmail. Com
I emailed you
lets’ look at it this way … life is like a movie … and any movie that makes it to the theaters is going to at least be “ok”. So, I’m sure plenty of people have told you life gets better and there are lost of good things that will happen that you won’t want to miss out on … much like a movie review … “Hey it’s great/exciting/romantic/happy/sad/funny ect”
So you go to “see” this movie … now the average movie runs about 90 – 120 minutes … would you pay money only to walk out of a 2 hour movie after only 22 minutes? … no – of course not! 🙂
Maybe after an hour … maybe … but by then you’re “invested” so you might as well see how it ends. the best thing about this movie called “your life” is you get to choose the plot and what happens – if you “decide” you will “end up homeless and alone” … you will consciously and subconsciously make decisions to make that outcome a reality … because YOU are wring the “scrip” as you go … but at ANY time the choice is ALwaYS yours to change directions.
Is life worth living … to me it is … and for all the shit I’m dealing with – wondering if my internet/tv/phone will get shut off in the morning being the most immediate thing that will suck … yes – yes it is … I won’t give up until I am actually homeless or about to be arrested (no – there isn’t anything illegal that I’ve done) … at anytime either could happen … but until it does … I take life a day at a time, and with no reason to believe it will ever get better … tomorrow COULD be the day it does 🙂
So yes – I’ll watch the movie until I’m SURE how it will end.
siskel and dawg
if you believe there are such things as a purpose, reasons to live, learn and love etc .. it probably is
personally, I think it’s all meaningless BS and can’t wait for mine to be over
Your not ugly , your beautiful :3 and i love you , wether you believe it or not , i care
You have heard your name for 16 years. Doesn’t the word mean anything to you???? Have a little FAITH. Believe in yourself. Believe in those of us who WANT to know you.
I WANT to know you. I WANT to care about you. I WANT to see you happy. I would be so honored to be invited to your wedding some day. I bet you are a very lovely person – just with some deep saddness in your life. I get that. MOST of us here have that.
Please, please, PLEASE – do not hurt yourself. I care. I WANT to get to know you.
yeah right