the first person I told about my suicidal thoughts/actions acted like he really cared. He made me tell my parents. He never asks me about it anymore. I feel like the only reason he wanted them to know was so he didn’t have to deal with me anymore. Which is totally understandable because i am areally hard person to handle. I still and always will feel really bad about telling him because I just threw him into a situation I’m sure he had no interest being in and he really dust have a choice but to help. I just wish he honestly cared.
I’m sure he did care and maybe he was just afraid for you and thought it was his way to help you. Sometimes the people that care the most are the ones that shy away because they don’t want to fail you.
he probably does care. but most people really don’t understand depression. They don’t realise that just because you have one good day means you’re ‘fixed’. He probably just thought e erything is fine now.