Please dont feel sorry for me. I hate that. I’m only 17, I seem young to have gone through as much as I have. My life has gone to ruins. Ive been depressed for almost 4 years now. I’m bipolar adhd horrible anxiety and under weight. I take lots of medicine. But I’m tired of the life I’m living. 14 years ago my mom hung herself in a bathroom. She was addicted to cocaine and 3 men that she was buying from raped her. The doctor who did the exam on her said she wouldnt try to kill herself bqut she did. She did cocaine while pregnant with me. Ive tried it once but weed is more of my thing. My step abused me for 7 years. My dad didnt pay attention. He runs strip clubs so he works night till morning. When i finally conviencef my dad i she was abusing me my step brother got shot. My dad up and left me for 2 years. He has never really been apart of my life. My aunt, my moms twin got me help. But she’s a drunk. I cant count the number of times ive tried to die but im alive for some reason
Arev you for real.?
Then get out.
Get out of what exactly
Your bullshit
Im trying to. Ive been trying to. Nothing helps.
Age.? Sex.?
ok 17.
Female. I know girls have drama and other bullshit but im more of a keep to myself person.
So you going to do the suicide thing.?
Ive tried. Ive did pills, suffication.
Did it work.? I’m thinking no. I want to here from K. Your only 17. think girl.
Your life hasn’t gone to ruins. I know right now you feel as if you’re alone and that your family life has set you on a path for failure. You can break this cycle, you can beat the odds and rise above the habits in your family. You have so much to live for, you honestly do. I know that you probably don’t think so but trust me, you can be an inspiration for many who feel the way you do or are in the same position you are currently in. Wouldn’t that be rewarding? Knowing that you can save another persons life by just living and trying your hardest to get past this, doesn’t that make you want to push forward? You’re amazing and your life is so valuable, don’t throw it away. You can change this, you can set yourself on your own path, this time it’ll be the path to happiness and success. Don’t ever give up, you’re not alone.
If you ever need to chat. I will be around. And no bullshit.
Me too. I’ll always be willing to be there for you and listen. I care, believe it or not.
It’s hard to see the good in life when 75% of the world is suffering and in pain and misery. Hell, most people spend there lives in hate and spew forth negativity. Alot of what we experience is an illusion, driven to challenge us . No, I’m not religious or trying to change anyone’s view point. Alot of people feel the need to verify their reality by subjecting those around them to their view point or changing them. I think alot of people have dumped their bullshit experience and negativity on to you. It’s hard not to be affected by it. Shit most of us can’t even stop from getting upset when someone tells us to fuck off.
And me Saveme/Katelynn, I’m a little confused now! Feel free to tell us more…Zoe
Thank y’all so much. And what are you confused about