Hi I’m 52 and increasingly I am thinking of suicide. I really cant see the point. Pushing yourself, achieving new goals just doesnt have any sense to me at this age.It’s not going to make me happier either. I have a degree a career that I dumped (It is enough to drive anyone barking mad -secondary teacher. too much political correctness.. Fucking awful kids of all races.) I’ve no family. I’ve a husband that is the nicest man I’ve met but never has any f’n money.coz he’s a latino immigrant. He doesnt want to do crime. That’s fair enough.
I frequently think I should just kill myself with booze and sleeping pills. I’m soooo sick of life. I’m going through the menopause but have no healthcare. maybe it’s got something to do with it. I have bulimia and a worsening alcohol problem and i dont care if people see me lying in the street. I’ve been to A.A but I dont really care enough to stop drinking permanently. I try for a week or so but then I feel what’s the point. Drink has not caused me my problems. the problems were there before that started. Drink is very cheap here. a botlle of wine costs the same as a cup of coffee.
My husband would be better off without me I think. I have no family apart from him.I’m not much fun to live with. In fact I’m the walking dead.
I got you there…I’m in the same place for similar reasons.
When it’s this bad the only thing you can do is try to find some kind of happiness. Which is damn near impossible, I know. I’m very sorry to hear about the bulimia. Never had any experience around it.
As for teaching, I’ve heard it’s gotten ridiculous over the last few years, and it’s been a while since there was any common sense in the schools.
I can say from experience the pills and alcohol rarely work. Tried it twice, just threw them back up both times, but maybe that was just because of other factors.
It just gets worse and worse, I know, but if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here.
Out of curiosity…. Y does women overwhelming choose methods such as pills, alcohol or some sort of poison to attempt suicide??? Those methods are less likely to be deadly as opposed to methods guys usually use i.e. guns, hangings, tall structures etc….
Is it more of a cry for help or what???
your comments always manage to work me up
I also have struggled with bulimia for many years, and before that anorexia. Plus drinking and drugs..
I completely understand.
I agree that your body changing probably has a lot to do with how you are feeling
I wish I had some answers, but I don’t, all I can say, is suicide actually isn’t the only answer
It feels that way at times, but it isn’t.
Why don’t you have any health care? do you live in america? I guess it’s not free over there.
Why don’t you go to AA, or any other free groups, (I don’t like the whole 12 step thing myself) just to meet people, people who can relate to you and vice versa, just to make things a bit less lonely – you don’t need to go with the intention of quitting alcohol. There is also OA and ABA for eating disorders.. and I’m sure there will be other things available for you
your age doesn’t matter. It isn’t in fact too late – although I feel the same way, and I’m 25, feel like I’v lived forever!
Clarity, it is possible to take that closeminded statement, judgment, question elsewhere
That was pretty insensitive of you.
Being a memeber of SP one would expect you to understand.
I can answer your question, in detail, but I won’t on dogcito’s post. This is about her.
Create a whole new post with that question, you will get many answers I’m sure.
Not to offend anyone. It was a question. Nothing more nothing less. People ask questions all the time to learn. The only dumb question is the one u never ask (however ignorant or insensitive I or anyone else may think).
right place. right time. right way.