i understand how you feel but as young as you are you need to talk to someone, I have felt the same way for as long as i can remember, now 50 im still suffering in silence everyone thinks im strong and inside im screaming for help, i dont have the courage to ask for help and ive also passed this on to my children, my daughter has recently told me that its my fault because she has severe depression as i gave her to my mum when she was 2, i also had another 2 children to the same father whom abused me physically, as a result of never feeling loved my children suffered, i went through life with one bad time after another i still wonder what i did to deserve this, ive lost a baby in a cot death, remarried and had another bad marriage also children to this husband, these children had the better side of me but still inside was screaming for help, now all my children have grown up and have there own lifes, im on my own and cant find someone to have a life with because i always wreck it someway, still at 50 im looking for that peace and think not being here would solve it, in the other hand my kids would never forgive me or understand as ive always been the strong one in there eyes , what makes it worse is my daughter has just told me recently its all my fault for her having severe depression and dosent want to know me now after years of helping her, i cant win im back in that dark place again and i blame no one but myselfthis is so hard as this is the first time ive ever said anything about it, i am sitting here now and can hardly see the keyboard for the tears and wish i wasnt here but to much a coward to do something about it, so my advise to you talk to someone get that help dont end up like me i will take this to my grave with me and it hurts so much, as it is at the moment i just want to disapear, no one would miss me .
I know I don’t know you. but I can feel your pain. you are a beautiful human being and nothing can change that.
Things can always find their way around. Things can be better for you. Don’t give up, at least not yet.
I blame my mother for a lot, and feel so much hatred towards her right now, reading your post made me feel slightly sorry for her. Wanting to work on my own anger and forgive. I hope your daughter can forgive you and move on.
You are a good person.
We all fuck up.
Parents especially.
No mother and daughter relationship isn’t at least a little bit complicated.
It’s not to late for you to try get your life back on track and get the help you need and deserve.
You and your daughter are on separate journey’s now, you have to repair yours and she has to repair hers, and maybe you can meet each other on the way, and repair past hurts etc.
I know people who have tried and succeeded in finding peace within themselves at your age and older.
Whilst I had so much hurt and anger towards my mother, I have always desperately wanted her to be happy. So maybe if you manage to do the work, towards peace and ‘happiness’ – things will naturally fall in place, you will be able to be a better mother, if your daughter accepts it – but, that shouldn’t be your motivation – keep only you in mind for now.
Be brave and strong, fight on and don’t give up, put your armour on, and do all it takes to get rid of all the muck inside of you – it’s about time, and you deserve it.
thanks for your comments i did go of the rails but have never turned to drink drugs or smoke, it was a rebelious time for me as my first was when i was only 17 when my second was born he was seroiously ill for a while so my daughter stayed with my parents after my son was home from hospital my daughter cmae home to till her father started to use me as a punch bag so she went back to stay with my parents, i ended up with no.3 child and so unhappy never having time to grow up, i did go out leaving the kids with my parents but always came home, then i had a baby he was 5months and died in a cot death i really dont no how i coped but eventually got through it with no drugs just taking a day at a time, i then met my next husband and we had 3 kids but he never excepted my oldest because she was with my mum and dad, when i left him after a bad marriage my daughter was back in my life and have been there since i would do anything for all my children, now i still get tired running after them and there kids but have this thing i owe them for all the hurt i might have caused them, i dont have a life and if i do i get accused of putting myself first so im a single 50 yr old who cries herself all the time im alone, wishing i wasnt here.