i just would like to put it out there, i’m not looking for someone to play a violin, anyways, i hate being calm and collective and rational about being able to take my own life, emotion breaks through the surface every now and then, but i just put a bandaid over it, which will only last for so long, soon i’ll run out. I’ve been doing this my whole life. i’ve recently started seeing a psych, and as of today my psychologist has put me on LexaPro, i know it will not make a difference, not what i am, not the way i think.
I was on lexapro. As for me, it didn’t work. There wasn’t much change. I also weaned myself off of it. Which I don’t recommend.
I like the band-aid metaphor. I always considered the emotion breaking through like getting a piece of paper wet – the slightest touch would tear right through.
Though to be fair, I guess in 16 years of being suicidal I never actually broke down like I always felt like I would. Though that’s kind of also the worse part – knowing that I’ll have to live my whole life this way.
Do you feel the same way sometimes?
I would like it if you respond and tell me more about yourself. I am a good listener and can be understanding?
@Fewing: I’m still here if you want to talk.