I am going all out here, ive tryed 3 times to end my life, yet the method didnt work… err and a year ago i bought a gun, and go figure a week later somebody stole it, everytime i try to kill myself, somthing tryes to stop me..but sorry, god cant stop my suicide abymore, i am departing very soon, i have new methods, im just wainting on funds… i cant wait to die, i have my arrangements made already the only problem is where do i do it, my house,hotel,or what? In the mean time im on a sex co pade..lol all i want is sex and more of it, im accually rebounding cuz i fell in love after my 2nd attemp, and im hurting from that, i wish somebody would kill me but i know i will be gone soon anyways, i wasnt looking for love but when it hit me, it makes me belieive i have something to live for..but i wont lice with a broken heart again…its to much to take. somebody please ment/fix my heart, mabe i can live somewhat longer, but i cant even function now.. I still love my ex, and would do anything for him… i fucked that up tho… anyway..love can kill.. and dobt preach and say ur killing yourself over love cuz so many ppl do, and i see why… i cant wait to make my next attempt, wish me luck!
Don’t rush to suicide. I recently lost the love of my life myself. I thought I had nothing to live for. I thought there was no use after she left. But I have found that what makes me happier than anything is seeing her happy. No matter what. I know she isn’t with me but seeing her living her life and being happy is what is keeping me going.
Well my ex hurt me, He still loves me, so he says, and i cant move on, we dated a month and i couldnt deal with his ex stalking us, so i left, but i dint know how far i fell in love with him, until the next day, he feels the same, i became jelious and he said he needs space, its been 7 days sence weve talked, he showed me life, we went jet sking,out to eat everythibg was great, i felt i had a reasion to try to live, ive loved before also, i was inlove for 3 years and when i fall inlove, i dont relize it until i take a little space, well i really fell hard for this person,and it hurts when i dont talk to him, he hasnt called in a week.. its just funny how when im so desprate to die, and attempt to depart, this person cones and takes my heart.. now im even more ready to die, its coming soon, i might try again tomorrow night, accually i know i will try again tomorrow night to die. wish me luck and hope i succede, the last three timrs, my survival made kicked in and i couldnt stay hangging, but i have a better idea now.
Please calm down. 🙁 I’m here to talk if you would like. Maybe you should give it a little more time.
U have a email?
Im gay btw, just so u know
It’s cool. I’m not a homophobic. trent.666.ellis@gmail.com
Let me know if you send an email, btw. I’m not so good with gmail, but I don’t want spam bots grabbing my main one. lol