omg, so the ***** and i r home alone, she tells me to do HER chores. well i did them for her the past 3weeks im tired of it. so i said no then she threatened to beat me with the belt,so i tore it out of her hands and pushed her to the ground. she screamed “ABUSER ABUSER!”and called 911!!! omfg! ***** r u fucking stupid. luckily nothing happened but still she is so stupid. well yeah i hate her. think shes an angel? hang around her. she is a *****. SHE IS SATANS ***** DAUGHTER. she can go to hell. its her home.
JC said it best. if your having girl problems i feel bad for you son.
so what happened when the cops showed up?
I don’t know how you put up with that shit.
@i_dont_matter: i explained it was an accident and they didnt need to come. my sister is just an idiot. -_-
@zacurious: neither do i, but i barely do. she pushes me to the edge
@fakingit – don’t let her win…
Must be different laws where you are. Where I live if someone calls 911 – the cops HAVE to come out and investigate.
@zacurious: ummm my post? yeah i think she already won. even though nothing BAD happened the ***** will ALWAYS WIN
@i_dont_matter: maybe. cuz no investigation happened. none needed anyway, besides watching my whole family in one room that is dangerous. but this was my sister classicly being a dumb ass. this is the 2nd time she has done it too.
@fakingit: No no, you have not gone completely over the edge. You’re still here. I’m just saying don’t let her be the reason you do anything bad to yourself. You just have to get through this somehow and get out of the house and on your own.
hey faking it.. can I tell you a true story. My brother used to torment me all the time. I really have very few happy memories as a kid. Too much of the sit on me and hit me in the face and “make me hit myself” crap.
It would piss me off so much that I would explode (came after him with a pearing knife – but he ran faster than I did).
But one day….. One day he pissed me off good. It must have been summer cuz I had my master lock home and I went to my room and opened my dresser drawer and there it was. I picked it up and went to the top of the stairs and yelled down “Dan” (my brothers name) – when he came to the bottom of the stairs I let it fly. BOOM – RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES! He went down like a ton of bricks and a tiny bit of blood splashed up on the wall. I freaked out and ran down the stairs OVER his “out cold” body and ran down the street (cuz I knew he would beat the crap out of me when he came to) – I yelled at the neighbor lady “Dan is bleeding” and I kept running. The neighbor lady must have thought we were all nuts.
I am sure I got a good beating for it (but I honestly dont recall). But all these years later….. when my brother annoys me I still tell him – “I still own a master lock” and he shuts up.
Just sayin.
@I_dont_matter – HA! Love it – I never knocked my bro out cold – but one day – in full view of parents – I broke his nose while he was carrying groceries up the stairs – got grounded for that but it was SOOOOO worth it!!!
stick and move dawg
hehe. Well I am NO fighter – so glad the hardened steel of the master lock could help me out. I think I felt a little like david vs goliath that day. Maybe God helped direct that lock to that exact spot.
I really like that story! And you still have that little bit of power over him. Nice…
there’s an old geezer saying – “fight smarter, not harder”
tactical dawg
@fakingit: Do you have a master lock with you? Okay only joking. What you need to do, like you already did (but you need to have more power) is to show her that you are not going to put up with it and that you will fight back. Scare her once, really scare her…maybe she will start to leave you alone a bit.
i remember when I was a kid and got an ass whoopin from my dad – I would threaten to call the cops for his “abuse” (in wasn’t abuse in any way) – my dad would hand me the phone … and ask me “Do you want me to dial the number? because if you call – it will take them about 5 minutes to get here – and in that 5 minutes I will make SURE they won’t have wasted their trip!”
needless to say – I did not call
mum’s the dawg
@i_dont_matter: omg wow, hmm idk she is so tough not even that would stop her from being a *****
@zacurious: my sister has made me hurt myself before and she does everything that makes me wanna give up. i cant take her anymore..but ialways lose to her
Hey Fakingit, I have an older sister EXACTLY like that! She is SO immature (though she’s 7 years older than me) and she’s SO not independant. I always think my parents spoiled her when they were raising her because LOOK AT HER NOW!! She IS A *****! And worse thing? Since she’s the OLDEST, she’s “setting the standards” so my parents expect me to achieve/accomplish as much as her, if not, MORE than her -.- I F-ing hate living with her she’s so stupid, immature, spoiled, selfish, dependent *****.
I feel your pain exactly though. Is she your sister too?
fakingit…. I was not, repeat NOT saying you should replicate what I did. I really can not stand the idea of person A harming person B. And I would be sick if you did something to her and something really bad resulted.
I am just saying…… idk. IF you could just prove to her once that you will not back down. MAYBE that would help.
I feel for you. Truely I do. I wish I could be of REAL help, not just some lame-ass typed words. But I dont think I can. I think this will ultimately be your fight. Just know you have MANY people cheering for you.
@J.D.: wow, well she is 6 yrs younger. and she sets the stadards. i hate her so much and yeah she is my sister.
@J.D.: wow, well she is 6 yrs younger but she hurts my parents so it goes her way. nice to know im not the only one yeah this ***** is my sister
Sorry, I_dont_care I really don’t want her to harm her sister, but she does need to be able defend herself and stand up and stop letting it happen. Fakingit is the one being harmed all the time. I too wish there was something I could help her with.
same here ZA. Part of me would love to drive to “wherever” and give lil-sis a beat down. But that is NOT my personality. I absolutely HATE violence. Seems so caveman-ish.
I just want her to be safe and at peace. And I HATE the fact I have no good response for her plea for help.
Too bad the parents are “clueless” or buy into that the lil sister is an angel.
@za & I_dont_matter: i have the complete strength to kill her! will i? oh no way. i wish u could see the pain she causes though. i have hurt countless times but does equal what she has done to me? nope. my parents are half clueless, they KNOW what she does sometimes even watches. but when its something serious they say im the lying whore. and they also buy that she is an angel. my dad is high on pain killers my mom stresses out to much the world knows bout my sister..MY FAMILY IS DYSFUNCTIONAL in SO MANY WAYS but THERE IS NOTHING NOBODY can do.
@fakingit; Many, many families are dysfunctional in many different ways. What she does to you is not right. You parents watching and not stopping it is not right. Hell, them even calling you names like “lying whore” is not right in any way. There is something you can do though. GET THROUGH IT! and out on your own. I know it is years away. BUT let me tell you, I thought I had it bad, I moved out at 17 (shit even before I was 17) I never never went back. I did what I had to. Got a job and a shitty ass apartment (co-signed by my dad)…but I was on my own. I have always been on my own. I’m not saying it’s the best because that too gets lonely. Anyway, listen…It can happen. You can get away from her, from them. You just have to wait it out and get there. You will.
@za: i have always thought of living on my own. im responsible enough to be on my own hence depression and being suicidal. where i live im to young to get a job i can next year and im saving up to get my own apartment but i have a long distanced bf..who will take me in problem is he lives to far. so im waiting to get a car and lisencse, then i dont want to be filed aas a runaway cuz then once im caught i going back home and dont want my bf and his family in trouble either. so im waiting til im 17 to leave. my parents they say cruel things but when i consider leaving they say “hell no” i think they want me just to bully me. IT NOT FUCKIN RIGHT.
@fakingit: I’m sure you are responsible enough. I’m glad you have things that you are looking forward to. You can do it too. One thing at a time. You said Texas right? That’s where your bf is? Where in Texas?
@za: yes texas. amarillo texas. and im idaho.
well grab a bag of potatos and run for the boarder!!! j/k
@i_dont_matter: haha nice. if only if it was that easy.
@fakingit: yes run for the boarder lol…. I’m near Houston, I was just seeing how close he was to here. Not close at all… Eventually you will succeed, okay? Don’t give up.
@za: oh i will GET TO FUCKING TEXAS that i will succeed. him and i are counting on it. i want it more then anything. as for my family, i wont win living with them. it wont work that way.