Im dating one of the most amazing boys in the world. His name, i wont say.. due to people he knows may see this .. but lets get on with the story.
He was 14, and i was 13. He was dating a girl who self harmed, and this made him want to kill himself.. because after endless counts of trying to help her, it wasnt enough.. Him and i had been in love with each other for over a year. But no one knew. And we wouldnt tell each other our true feelings. Him and this girl met in “4south” the mental ward, at a hospital in my area. The only way they were able to see each other, was through 4south because they lived hours away from each other.. So, suicide attempts were a casual thing, to be able to see each other.
He and i ended up becoming close the day he came into the emergency room, the same day i was there with my sister.. He had blood dripping from his arms., and his eyes were hazy. It was an OD.. failed. We started talking immediatly after. He told me his feelings, and i told him mine.. When he got out of 4south, he hung himself that night .. The call i got was terrible. His mom found him. hanging. gasping for air. he was legally dead for over 3 minutes.. but, somehow and someway.. he came back..
he is still here, bettering his life, and doing the same for mine .. we are more in love then ever, and i could not be more thankful for him, and for him being here..
thanks for listening ………
Wow, what a story. I’m so glad he made it. I’m happy for you two and I hope he’s getting better.
Thank you.. He is in treatment right now, and gets out in 7 days.. 🙂