so because im new to this i will just state my problem and what i hope to be the solution i am 18 years old my name is kyle i have worked my entire life to be a good person the best person actually but i am a loser i am overweight i am unhappy i have a girl i love her name is miranda everything i have is breaking she doesnt understand how much i love her or how much i care about her i have never hurt her lied or cheated on her we have been dating for 6 months she loves me she has told me and she meant it i love her she moved away but between me her and her mom they had agreed to bring me up there with some stipulations i post love messages on her facebook and in her messages all the time we have 2 weeks untill im to go down there im so excited and she messages me and says i dont think i want you here. she says her friends say to leave me behind because im to clingy she said she honestly is considering it she also says that since moving she has had some offers from guys to date that she almost didnt turn down… i fix it we had a agreement that if i dont prove that im the one for her in a week after she comes and gets me for ohio i leave and never turn back…she doesnt know that i have been depressed and suicidal for weeks now for no reason she doesnt understand that she is the only one that i will ever love she doesnt know and i have no way to prove it to her and i feel its too late she dealt me a severe blow today and im not going to recover without her i will die and it may seem dumb to everyone else but it makes perfect sense to me if i kill myself now maybe she will come to my funeral and cry to show she loved me one last time maybe if i die i will be allowed to watch over and protect her…my god has forsaken me i have prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed to him about her to let me keep the one good thing he has done for me but no answer back……i just want someone to talk too before i finalize my decision i want someone that will talk to me…i hurt so bad
I’m sorry that you are hurting like this and you feel as though you can’t recover. It is not dumb in any way to feel what you are feeling. You want her to care, to feel as much for you as you do for her. She says she loves you, but she got over there where she’s at and her so called friends are telling her things and she’s not really even thinking, I’m sure. People tend to listen to their peers instead of their hearts sometimes. And yea it sucks. It hurts. If you go, how do you know what will happen to you? How do you know that you will see her cry for you or even that you can watch over her? I’m here if you need to talk.
i dont know anymore man i just dont we had such a amazing relationship when she was here and now that shes moved even though in 2 weeks if i can somehow fix this i will see her again shes changing quickly and i dont want her friends to dislike me hell the dont even know me but shes just been losing interest and if she would get with one of these guys it would kill me for gods sake i have proposed to her unofficailly cause i dont have the finances or stability but she said yes! and now she is telling me we might last another year at most and it hurts because she is all i care about and the only person i want to be with you know shes my first girlfriend? honestly shes my first and last because if it doesnt work im not going to try anymore and probably will just die i just dont know what to do anymore i really dont
I know this is very hard for you. I really hope she gives you that chance to come and see her. Do you think you could talk openly to her about the way you feel? I wonder what all the change is about too. On another post somone mentioned that it’s the excitment of something new and different. That may be it or her friends are just making her mind up for her. Do you have any idea what you can do to “prove” it to her? Although I really don’t think you should have to. If you love her and she loves you, the proof should already be there. Seems like she is unsure. If you don’t mind me asking…Is this her first relationship? How old is she?
its her first relationship thats lasted shes 17 we have been together for 6 months like i said and i know everyone says you know young love neverlasts or whatnot but i at least have the capability to love i had to grow up at 15 and have been a adult since idk how i could prove it but we are talking now its fine for the moment i can probably ask what the change is about and she is unsure shes expressed this to me and shes loyal because if though the offers have been hard to refuse shes refused them …i love her man with everything i have do you have any idea what i should do?
any ideas or tips?
Well, I really think you should talk to her first. Find out what is on her mind and what she is thinking. You need to be open and honest with her. Yes, you guys are young and I know you hear that a lot. You hear that it’s just your first love, there will be more…but it hurts noe the less…
Let me think of some ideas…
alright man when i talk to her tonight i will see what she is all about and if she wants to continue with me or not i will let it be up to her it will be her choice and then i guess we will see what happens
After you talk to her…get back on here if you need to talk to someone, well really, either way. I hope the conversation goes well though.
hey zacurious although it was like 1 when i got a hold of her we talked till like 4 in the morning and it all worked out man all of it
Hey Kyle-I’m so glad it did. Sorry I’m so late getting back to you. I hope things continue to get better for you. You sure deserve it. Keep your relationship exciting and really speak from your heart. Anytime you need to talk, let me know. I’m here for you.