i just signed up on this website and im happy to have found it, i just wanna know how to feel better about myself, and talk to people that wont make fun of me, i know my problem’s arent as bad as most but they build up inside and it’s gets to where i wanna cry….but i cant i dont want my family to know about my saddness or know how alone i feel. i just feel so un-welcomed to this earth, im only 17 i know i pronly dont have room to talk but…its ture, they say love will come but does it? they say friends are forever but are they? I feel like a ghost looking in out in the rain. for a long time i thought i would feel better as i got older but i just dont, just know as i am writeing down how i feel i finally let myself cry….my big sister walked by and saw me crying…but she kept walking by. is love real? ive walked away from light i guess ive never meant to hurt anyone. i hate pain but it seems it all i can feel anymore…i try so hard to look at myself and smile…but its just a hollow person looking back at me….i just needed to let someone know what i think and how im feeling. goodbye for now thanks for listening.
Its ok just write what you feel, I think its best though to write down how your feeling and trust your family even know you don’t want them to know your sad. They can help you make changes in your life- if they are the supportive type and they can help you find a dr.
bro, i’ve seen some of those things. i might not actually feel what you are feeling, but for soem reason it seems fimilar. why do we love anyhow? do our own families even love each other? or r they there just to give the respect of a relative. Idk, its that one thing that has one answer to it, that just no one can’t seem to find.