I can’t take it anymore! All that’s left for me in life is a gun. I’m never going to acomplish anything in life, and even if I do, I won;t even begin to compare with my dear sister’s acomplishments. I don’t see the point in living if all that goes throught my head is depression and confusion. Confusuin to what I am. I know I like other girls, and my friends have accepted that, but am I bi or Lesbian. Bi is one thing, but would they accept lesbian? Not only that, but this is my last year of freedom. I’,m pretty much out at school, which is great, but it won’t be next year. My dad works at the highschool I’m going to go to. Even if I live, I’m never going to be able to hold hands with my girlfriend down the hallway, or speak up in clas if someone says somehting homophobic, because it will all backfire and come to my bigot of a dad. I KNOW he will never accept me, and I can’t take it anymore! I’m only 13, but I feel as if my life is over. I just want to die. My friends are great, yeah, but nobody REALLY understands. I already almost tried suicide once, bbut chikened out. This time I don’t think I’ll hold back. I’M FUCKING DONE.
Midnight, life drastically changes once high school times is over. You’ll be able to be whoever you want with whomever you want. You’ll own your life and will do as you please. It’s hard while you’re still living at home and you are right there next to mom and dad all the time. But it will change. Hang on.
To be honest,who cares If they don’t accept you!It was hard for people to accept me beinq bi (I’m not anymore,I think?I don’t like dick that’s for sure haha) but I mean that’s me and I can’t do anythinq about but think positive about It.My “dad” never accepted me for that but hey It’s not not like I’m qonna hide It.Be happy that you like qirls.
Scream that “I love qirls!”Then you’d truly be happy.I know It’s a risk but life’s full a risk and It doesn’t qet any biqqer than this…..
You’re only 13, trust me life gets better in its own way when you leave high school and home. You can do whatever you want, whoever you want, whenever you want.Live out of curiosity (that’s what I do anyway). I’m curious to see what happens tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.13 is too early to give up, there’s more to life than high school BS!
Hey, be calm. I was the odd ball and failure of my family and nothing I ever did compared to my siblings but I motivated myself by telling myself I can do better. And that’s exactly what I’m doing