I love my friends with all my heart, but it really seems like they just don’t care about me. Saying they do is one thing, but doing is another. Whenever they need help, I’m there. Whenever they need anything, I’m there. It could be just a small problem and I’ll listen to them no matter what. I have picked them up in the middle of nights many times. I do things without expecting a thank you in return. But whenever I’m feel sad or hurt they just give some one-liner bullshit like “Oh, I’m sorry.” Then they move on with their day. I’ll be honest there are days when I just wish for one person to give me a hug and tell me that everything is going to be all right and for them to sit down and listen to what I have to say passing no judgement just as I do for them. I’m a pretty sensitive guy, but I can put my emotions and problems aside just like anyone else. Reader, I know you have wished for someone to talk to you or give you a hug out of the blue and I feel your pain. It hurts. My friends are all I have in this world that mean everything to me. I care about them a lot. I’m also very protective of them. There are days where I do think about dying. Sometimes I think my friends would be better off without me. I know that’s a harsh thing to say, but I’m merely telling you the emotions I felt at the time. I don’t do drugs, I don’t drink, I don’t go out partying. I’m not an all perfect guy. Not even close. I just had a bad childhood growing up around all that crap and I’ve seen what it can do to people and I don’t want anything to do with that. I don’t cut myself. Anyways, sorry about babbling on there about myself. My conclusion is that I just wish my friends would want to hang out with me or give me a hug and here me talk. We all have to let our hearts cry sometimes. Thank you for taking your time to read my story. Have a nice day
You and I must have the same friends. Mine are as self absorped as yours, only caring about their problems. I’ve given them everything I can, and still they can’t even make time for me… yet I see on Facebook as well as other places that they seem to be able to make time for everyone else, even people they’ve known a lot less time than me. I’ve sank through the cracks, unseen, unheard.
i have the same problem, though these people arent “friends”, more business partners, even though i treat them as friends. but you and i are opposite (on the party level) i dont cut either or self mutilate, but there are other outlets.
Exactly! Plus I’m also the one who always texts them first or talks to them first. I think that if I stopped texting them they would hardly even notice or care. It pisses me off, I’ll admit. All they do is spend time with their other friends who do drugs and alcohol. Whenever I hang out with them I always feel like the odd one out. I always ask them if they want to hang our or if I can hang out with them, but do they ever ask me out of the blue if I want to hang out or go see a movie? No. I don’t think they have ever asked me to hang out with them, now that I think about it. Some days I’m through the roof pissed off about this and then other days I’m very sad. When they invite other friends over to their house that feels like a slap in the face. While I’m there they hang out with their friends majority of the time. Sometimes they ask me how I’m doing just to make sure I feel included, but I know this whole game before. It’s a bunch of bullshit. It hurts. It hurts bad.
Everyone is a narcissist to some extent, but most are more narcissistic than they are willing to admit…even to themselves.
The world needs more people like you anonymous; people who care for others and are willing to help. There is indeed enough affection and love in the world to go around, but so many aren’t willing to give and receive. I hope you find people who care, besides here of course <3
Please excuse me…. Not normally this talkative….
I have no Friends/Close friends at all…. Don’t pity me I’m happy that way….
Yet I have a lot of acquaintances…… They all know that I’m always there for them… 24/7….
From being stuck with a broken down car to money….. You can phone me regardless….
I will be there for you…..
But also stuck with the same predicament….
Who do I phone???? There is no one….