Yesterday,my cat died and I know I’m prob being silly for being this sad over an animal,but she meant a lot to me.I love her so much.It’s like she left with a piece of my heart.I’d do anything to hold my cat one last time.I feel so alone and heartbroken.It would help out a lot to get some imput from someone that experienced this kind of tragedy.Please.
i know the feeling my cat died in front of me after having kittens i cried alot i still do every once in awhile. my sister’s cat ate all the kittens except one the kitten that looked most like her but i feel out of it’s basket and died. i know it hurts
Awww,I’m sorry.The thing is I’ve never had my heart broken over a pet’s death before.My cat captured my heart since she was a kitten.I’ll never forget her
i have lost a few cats, and two dogs over the years. when my wife left me, she took three of our four cats, leaving me with one… mika. mika is all i have left now myself… and every night when i am crying myself into a headache, mika is there to help me calm down, if only for a little while.
you are not silly for being upset over your loss. animals are often more precious and understanding than the people in our lives. and they love without judgment or conditions. i know it hurts, and nothing will ever replace that hole in your heart. be sad. allow yourself to be hurt. it was the purest of love that she gave you. it’s only right to give it back.
i am so sorry for your loss.
The loss of a beloved pet is very heart wrenching … i have rescued many dogs and foster homeless dogs too … i ten to get the “tough cases because none of the other fosters want to “go through” a loss … someone has to … so i do it … my heart shatters into a million pieces every time … and every time … i go get another because there’s just too many that have no love and need just a little love in their lives – just once – for animals that have know nothing but hunger, abuse misery and pain … i love them and dote over them … and then … they die … because they were old and broken when i got them … but they dd NOT die unloved – for I gave them my whole heart to make up a little for what “humanity” did to them
the rainbow bridge story always helps me – but it always makes me cry – even now as i type this with 4 relatively healthy dogs around me – i cry for those that came before … and for the ones yet to come … and for the ones i can’t reach … i will see them at the rainbow bridge …
http ://
awwww,you wanna know what reminds me of my situation?There’s a song from The Fox and the Hound called Goodbye May Seem Forever.Talk about a tear jerker.
“Goodbye may seem forever.Farewell is like the end,but in my heart’s a memory and there,you’ll always be.”
I lost my dog that I had for five years, I still wish I had her but she got hit by a car :L it sucks not having her around but I just got a kitten last year and he’s getting so big he’s an outside cat he’s super friendly I still feel a part of me missing without my dog, now I know why they say dogs or like mans best friend or in my case woman’s best friend. Lol
When people I love die, I don’t cry, but when my horse died, when my bird died, and as I buried my dog I was a wreck. They made me happy when nothing else could. Having attachment issues they are all I know how to attatch to, to some it might be just a pet, for others of us, it’s our bestfriend, our rock, and world. I am very sorry
Dear Fallen Angel,
Cats are not “just animals.” They are a spirit connection to what is unseen. I love my cats as a part of me, of my soul, my little sisters and brothers on Earth who love me, who sleep with me at night and cuddle with me in the day and evening. Of course, you miss her. She became a part of your heart and soul. She still is, but not to be able to hold her, hear her purr, have her melt into you as if you are one being, is a great loss.
That said, with complete understanding and condolence, there is another cat or kitten out there who needs a human to bond with. Find him or her; or let him or her choose you. Either way, your experience of cats is not ended, only begun.
Thanks everybody for your input.I needed the support from fellow animal lovers