Today it was decided that for my safety and my little sisters safety it would be better to put me in a ward for a couple of weeks or months… You see that my mother is a extremely strict Christian – And after i came out to my family as a homosexual – She know believes i am possessed by a demon… So after a couple times of trying to kill myself because my father is disappointed at me , and tells me im disgusting she decide for ” my own good ” And “The protection of my little sister” That i need to go away For awhile , And when she said that im going away my little sister came in and asked me , where i am going. I couldn’t tell her anything, But i said to her ” Im going off to a big sister convention so i can learn to be a better big sister for awhile. She pulls me down to her height so she can whisper something in my ear , and says ” You don’t need the convention , your already the best sister ever. My heart is broken , Im being shipped away , away from everything… Away from my neglecting parents , I heard my mother saying to my father – “She really believed that we are sending her away for her protection .. Im just glad i don’t have to deal with her anymore.. Thanks mommy , Thanks daddy – Im gonna try again to kill myself… If it doesn’t work , then im try again and again and again until im dead … I hate it here…
what about your sisters? who’ll take care of them then?
Everytime u have the urge to end your life, remember what your lil sister whispered..
i got teary-eyed when i read that.
If a mature people had the thought and mind as pure as your lil sister, the world will be so peacefull. People won’t judge easily.
To came out ain’t easy..but u did it. U’re stronger than u thought.
Stay strong lydiarose 🙂
Don’t end it, I have an idea for you. You sound intelligent, and I know you can be strong. Your parents can’t rule you forever, and to be fair, your parents are awful people. I despise them. But when you turn 18, they have no right to claim you as “a demon” and sit you in a ward. Being a homosexual just means you are human and have a different preference from the majority. That’s all. You aren’t a demon. Once you turn 18 you should go out and see the world and meet people. You’ll be surprised at how many wonderful people won’t freak out about your orientation, and would love to befriend you. There’s a happy future ahead for you.
I’m so sorry about your parents. But I wonder if time away from their judging might actually do you good. Use the time alone to remember who you are. Chances are you will be heavily guarded on the war with no chance to off yourself. But if you try, you better write your little sister a letter first
Wow, sounds just like my parents, don’t do it I’ve been to the ward I came back I disappointed myself being the way I was and having my little sisters see it, your worth it stay keep loving your sisters and move out when your 18, talk to them about it first let them know how much you love them and give them a number to always reach you at, don’t ever let ANYONE tell you being homosexual is wrong, be proud of who you are, I am and it’s been the best turn around for me.I can definitely relate if you ever need someone to talk to just hmu I’m a good listener but don’t ever result to suicide as an answer
i get so sick of religion being an excuse to create animosity. they think you are possessed for being gay, i think they are possessed for being shitty parents. whos right in the end? i can tell you being gay isnt wrong…