I’m really tired of feeling so worthless so today I decided to end my life. I took 20-30 different pain killers and nothing has happened.. I don’t know why it didn’t at least make me sick. So I guess today I’m surviving my suicide but I’m not pleased by it at all. I took 24 acetaminophen (extra strength), 10-15 advil, 2 liquid gel advil (extra strength), and 3 liquid gel midol (extra strength). And it’s been hours. Nothing. Curse this stupid society I’m forced to live in. Curse it!
Please stop. Don’t do this to yourself anymore. Whatever your going through it will get better, I promise! But what am I to you? Some stranger on a website. Still just talk to someone, look for the positives but don’t kill yourself. If you do, you will miss out on the possibilities of the future. What if tomorrow you won the lottery or did something you never thought you would so? You don’t know and neither do I so isn’t it worth staying here to find out?
I’m not going to lie to you. Like Fuck no one knows if its going to get better if you just sit there takeing med. Im sorry if i sound rude to you. But No it might not get better if you just take meds trying to kill youself. DO SOMETHING, go for a jog, make new friends try going out places and socializing, go to a bar, a park, see someone alone? Go to them ask them if the seat next to them in available. They talk to them, ask them for their number. Spill your heart out to a totally random person. Breathe.