It was a thursday morning walking to school. I was in a very depressed mood. I was hanging around in a corner sitting there trying to figure out were the next weapon i can get to.  Walking to my first hour hanging around my friend Jared. When i spotted a pencil sharpener (One Of Those Small Personal Ones) My friend snatched it for me I thanked him for getting it for me. Next period comes and i had dismantled the sharpener and was using it on my arm then he was nudging me saying to “knocked it off”.  I stop for the period when i went to third period sitting in the back seat with it in my mouth.  When it came to lunch time i was sitting in the middle of the room with it in my mouth sitting alone when one of  my friends came by. She ask “Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter?” I stuck my tongue out with the blade on it. she freaked out and started to yell at me and saying “SPIT IT OUT!!!” I argued with her saying “No not happening not now not ever.” The next thing i did i swallowed it thing “Yess finally my time to go.” Friday night i admitted to my mom that i swallowed the razor i was very pale. They took me to the hospital and strapped me down to a cart thing. going to an x-ray  room the stood me up to the x-ray and saw a razor. A week passed im still alive with the razor still in me. that night they got me to puke it out it gave me eternal bleeding but it stopped couple days later. I kept vomiting blood for months after i kept that to my self. to this day i remember it like yesterday i still vomit blood but i dont think its the same problem.
It wasnt your time
Yea i figured that after 4 weeks of suicidal rehab.