I’m Peyton, but I prefer being called Oscar. People make fun of me and push me around, and they don’t understand how much it hurts me. I’ve cut my self and had no refugee from that, I’ve attempted suicide, and stayed out from school. My home life isn’t the best either… my mom hits me and my dad is never home. I just wish I could dissapear, or never would have been born, because everyone hates me and calls me a skanky whore because im quiet.
Life is so hard…
written by livewhileyouryounng
one daye yiou will fjnd hapoinnss i knw wrat its lkike teo be bulliued. stay srtyong.
I was quiet before.. And I used to be bullied when I was young.. But it changes. Life changes and you move on.. Just hang on there!
I don’t hate you! That counts right?
It takes time.. And sometimes time can be painful. Painful as ever.
But you’ll survive this.. Just stay strong.