I talk about this with a lot of people, but I take it so lightly and act like talking about it doesn’t hurt but it does. You probably want to know what I act like I take “lightly”. It’s about my biological Dad, he was abusive and would hurt my Mom and I. When I was two she divorced him but I still remember what he did to me. He would hit me and one time he actually held me over our balcony and almost dropped me. You may not believe me about this because a lot of people don’t but it’s true. I remember once he locked me in a closet and then later getting me a present, to try and make it better. I talk so lightly about it with people because I don’t want people to know that I’m hurt and effected by it. But one time at a church camp I went to they had a night dedicated to people that were abused. Everything they said that night changed my life. People told about their abuse and at that point I knew I wasn’t alone and it didn’t only happen to me. My story may be different from other people’s but I’ve dealt with abuse, and it sucks, but I’m out of that situation now and trying to help people with their abuse problems.
One Night At Church Camp.
written by I-Want-It-To-End
Hey I-Want-It-To-End
Sorry that you were hurt sooo young…and more than anything scared…but as you say…you are not there anymore. Where are you on your healing journey? I’ve heard that the best way to lead is by example…so if you want to help others with their abuse problems…do it by dealing with your own and sharing your successes. What do you think?
Sorry for the interruption good morning Ama you sexy hippie chickie!