My life feels like I’m walking on a rock road.. Always cold and dark. Never knowing if I’m going to trip. When I do, I hesitate to get back up. Afraid of tripping and falling again. I always get back up though. Some falls take longer to stand up from.. Something keeps me going down this road.. The hope that the sun is going to wink at me and give me light to see the obstacles in the road. I don’t know how long it’ll take and maybe I’ll never see it in this lifetime. Someday though, whether I’m dead or alive, I’ll see the sun. It will greet me with a kiss and a burst of warmth. It’ll hold me close.. And tell me it’s missed me. As I’ve missed it too.
1 comment
1 comment
That’s a beautiful attitude to have, and though that attitude arises from the deprivation of the suns rays, it paradoxically makes me feel warm. Perhaps those feelings are drawing the light nearer to you, and i’ve been caught in the crossfire. Thank you for sharing. 🙂