I keep getting told “hang in there, things will get better!” – well they’ve been getting steadily worse for 3 years, and that was when I finally managed to overcome bulimia so I wasn’t exactly happy at that point anyway! I’m now very overweight, single, lonely, hiding from the world, i always fall for the guys who dont want me, and generally a burden and pain in the ass to the few people who still want to be my friend and my family, I just don’t want to do this any more, I don’t want this daily struggle any more. I feel like my life is already over so why can’t get take the last step? Why is that the hardest step?
Well, applejuice
Maybe you should just focus on yourself. Start working out and eating healthier. Suicide is the easy way out and the stupidest. Like the problems in your life will change when you start making them change. Like your overweight, so make a goal to lose weight and when you reach your goals you will be healthier and maybe even happier. Watch shay carl on youtube. He was overweight but he started to exercise and now 3 and a half marathons later he has lost more then 100 pounds! Goals and working hard!