I remember when I was about to graduate from high school, so happy,full of energy and ready to do everything to get to my goals and i entered university, I felt in love madly and she broke my heart but I managed the pain, it couldn’t break me and started new relationship but didn’t end up well, but I healed my wounded heart i faced with problems and kept my hopes alive but now that I compare my current problems with mentioned failures, I laugh at them. Now and after some years, I’m totally alone, with no one around me,no friends, lost my job and can’t find any, couldn’t continue my education to masters, financially broken and the shame is that right now I can’t live without my parents support but how long I can do it? I can see neither future nor hope in my life, there is nothing left in my life to live for, I can’t imagine myself in future.All of my friends are someone right now but me, who was ahead of them once, want to die, I tried HARD to change my life many times,over and over for some years but I can’t take it anymore,I can’t push anymore and I’m thinking about putting an end to my life may be this is the answer.
when you get to the end, the best thing to do is to view things step-by-step. take a deep breath. sometimes, when we look at starting over or trying to fix something– it seems like far more trouble than it’s worth, but if you break it into small pieces– it’s a lot easier.
just lay out what you want to do in steps. small baby steps. finances are rough, I definitely understand. I got a DUI last year and tried to ignore it for months and months because it seemed so daunting to overcome– but I broke it into steps. okay, first I have to make sure I have a good job– okay, now I have to get certain insurance to drive, okay now I need to get my breathalyzer, okay now I have everything I need to get my license back.
you see what I mean? listen, I know it’s hard. life exoects SO much out of everyone. you have to have your degree, be a social butterfly, have a great job, have a great car. If you don’t have those things, people look at you and wonder what is wrong with you
but I tell you– this is the secret– those things are not what bring us real happiness. take a walk, sight see, go look at treasures at a thrift store, talk to people at stores/bookshops/record stores/grocery stores– it’s the small, living, real, everyday things that make us happy.
Make a PLAN, my friend. Make a real plan and break it into steps. Tell your parents about it, have them support you emotionally and keep you on track. Failure doesn’t make us a lesser person, it makes us stronger and more humbled. Hurt people often have the most genuine smiles, they make the best listeners, they know empathy, they give the best advice.
be well and much love to you.
I know how u feel I am having problems of my own and its a tiny piece inside me that says this cant be it that has led me here to this site. My relationship of 14 years eneded with him leaving me for another women he had been cheating on me with. My studies have been falling and i know i will fail uni which is hard after going back to education after so many years. I have no social life or friends as my life was wrapped around him, so the only advice i can give you is others are hurting too you are not alone and i have no solutions to the pain as i cant even end my own but suicide cant be the answer. You shouldnt compare yourself to others as each life has ups and downs and people may seem to have everything and doing well one minute could be feeling the same as you the next. You need to hold on, i am taking one day at a time it is filled with loneliness and pain but some days something makes me laugh or someone smiles and it makes me feel that the future could hols happiness and hopefully even love and i would like to be there to experience it and so should you cause eeveryday could hold something different that changes everything and gives you the happy you need and deserve. Just know that i am thinking of you so now I care and You mean something. xxx
Thank you for the kindness and I’m sorry for what happened to you. I know what you are going through because i felt it in my first relationship when she left me for another guy. No one deserves to feel this experience and I’m sorry that you had to.I don’t know why I wrote in this site, I was searching for suicide methods that I met this site and when I wrote the post I didn’t expect reply, so your reply means a lot to me.Both replies, you and kaidenii. May be I’m wrong but when I take a look around I see nothing to fight for. I tried everything, I tried to keep my hopes alive so hard, hope for future and believe that I’ll be fine and happy, I tried to focus on what I have, every little thing, and make them a cause for happiness. but nothing could soothe the pain. this future hasn’t come for years and I’m drowning more and more. It seems I’m stuck with something that regardless of how hard i try, i can’t get rid of it. there is no hope