I’ve been reading through a lot of posts over the last few days and I have too say get a grip Some of you. I’m 34 years old and reading some of the comments on here you really don’t have a clue. I’ve been there as a 14 year old and the girl that I love so much has split up with me so I slit my wrists. At 15 I got started on by 7 people my own age and all I could do was run away as fast as I could or literally get kicked to death. I was so ashamed to run but what could I do? I got home took 24 paracetamol and went to bed. I thought that was it but I woke up the next morning I had to go to school and all off the jeering made me want to do it again every day, but I didn’t. At 17 i found out my girlfriend was seeing someone else so i thought it would be a good idea lying in a bathtube burning myself all over with lots of cigarettes. Over the next few years my life improved. I got a job doing something I really wanted to do. I meet a girl who I had so much in common with. After 12 months she feel pregnant with our first child. After my daughter was born I was so happy and so proud. 18 months later we decided to have another child. The pregnancy was fine but the decision was made that the baby should be delivered by c section(as was the first child). When he was born we heard no sound from him. As a healthcare professional I knew some thing was wrong, but after about 4 hours he was stabilised. To cut a long story short after 16 months my beautiful boy passed away. I went into a very depressive cycle and on numerous occasions tried to take my own life with drugs, alcohol and extreme self harm. I went into a very direct downward spiral for a very long time. Eventually after a few years we decided that it was time for us to start again as as a family with our daughter. We never had a child again. We had 3 more pregnancies and each of them were found to have the same defective gene as our second child. I’ve read what a lot of you have said but you need to look to the future. I’ve been through a hell of a lot as I’m sure you have too, but I’m in a new relationship now and I know my future can only be positive, if not I’m back where I started. As I heard once as a 34 year old “don’t stop believing” 🙂 love you all 😉
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Hey Chud
Get a grip? I understand what you mean of course…but there are nicer ways of putting it don’t you think? And yet you love us all? Little passive-aggressive? lol
I’m sorry that your life has been so hard…but it’s not really a game of one upmanship now is it? I don’t think I could have handled what you have…but then again I didn’t have to. But you probably wouldn’t have survived my life either…thank God you didn’t have to. What I’m trying to say is this: I am very glad that you have found your way through. I really am. But what helped you get through it all? You don’t really say. Why not fill in the story a wee bit and try to inspire others? You know you can. And btw…if life is so good right now…why are you on a suicide site reading these posts anyway? Just curious