Today, i cut for the first time. The funny thing is, there wasnt a big traumatic event to trigger it. I just felt really stressed out and helpless so i decided to cut. I dont know how i feel about it. All i know is that it felt good afterwards, like a weight was lifted up from my shoulders. I know its bad to cut but i guess i felt like there was no other options for me.
I know how you feel… cutting gives you control of the pain and relieves emotions but please be careful its really addicting. I started cutting a year or so ago and its gotten progressively worse and i have gross scars covering my body. i’m jusdge by this all the time. i just would hate to see someone ruin their body like i have. if there is any other way to relieve your pain besides cutting please try. it is really addicting 🙁
please try something else! sunflower is right!
People cut because it works. It does.
Please try something else though. It’s a very addictive habit and it ruins your body. sunflower is the voice of experience on this one.