I think I like someone and I used to not like her because she seemed really immature and I just didn’t like her but we’ve been talking off and on for two weeks and I just love her sense of humor. I don’t really know, I don’t want to  like her, I don’t really have time for a relationship and I don’t want one, I just got out of one 3 to 4 months ago and maybe I don’t really want to be with her but maybe I just like her sense of humor and personality.  I’m 18, shes 30. I really don’t want to like her or enjoy her personality or even really be her friend. I have such a defense mechanism because I don’t want to get hurt, I probably trust 3 people in my life, 2 being my dad and best friend. And I don’t trust her but I wish I could. I’m not even sure if she likes me, we kind of have this banter back and forth; I’ll make a joke on her expense and she’ll do the same to me. She gave me a ride home tonight and I came in took a shower and talked with my dad for a while and went to go check my phone and she asked had I gotten home okay? And of course she knew I had and I realized, damn, I was so busy picking on her, I forgot to thank her, so I tell her thank you and she says anytime, if shes around and puts a smiley face and we talk for an hour with no banter, I hope she likes me, but then I don’t. I’m a deeply screwed up individual. Thoughts anyone? If you can help yourself, please don’t comment on the age, if you cant help yourself, it’ll be okay, I suppose.
There’s nothing wrong with an age difference as long as it’s legal and both people are consenting to it. The most important thing is if you have commonality and there’s a balance with the power dynamic. Know what I mean? That said, I believe you are over-thinking this a bit. You’ve only been talking for two weeks… just take it slow. Don’t worry about the possibility of a relationship. Keep up with whatever you’ve got going and don’t worry about it so much. You have a choice as well when it comes to being in a relationship. So if you’re not ready for that at any time, well, you know, don’t. Right now you’re friends, and it’s good to have a friend. Hope that helps. 🙂
I definatly over think it because of the fear of liking someone, I dont really have an obsessive personality, I just get terrified and I try to be cautious which makes me over think things, gah, Im hungry lol
Haha, I’m no stranger to over thinking things and being cautious. I used to have a fear of relationships too. But I think it might have been fear of being hurt in some way. You’re hungry, lol, and I’m eating currently. Get something to eat. I hear chocolate is pretty good, especially when you over think. 😉
I defiantly don’t feel like moving but if I was going to eat, Id eat some cereal. My stomach just growled. Might as well get up and get food, I dont like being hungry 🙂
Yay, food wins. It always does. Funny how most of my conversations on this site ended up being about food. haha.