I just don’t know what to do anymore. I have a planned suicide date, a method(very effective) and I’m ready to die.. I’ve taken dozens of different meds and I go to therapy, I have a great family and awesome friends but nothing helps! I try to diet, go out with friends even when I don’t want to leave my room and I try to do things that make me happy but nothing works! I have 7 days left at this point and I’m 95% sure I’m going to go through with it. I really don’t know why I’m asking this but if anyone can give me some helpful information/advice I would appreciate it. I’m a 19 male college student if that helps.
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I don’t want to say that everything will be alright. And that life gets better. But, I do want to say, that please just rethink this. Life’s a nightmare. I know. If you ever need to talk. I’m here. You can always email me at heather.bramlett42@gmail.com or download Kik to your phone or iPod and message me at hearts_from_hell. I don’t know you at all. But I’m here for you an everyone else on this site. Please get through this. Don’t end your life. Suicide is a permanent result to a temporary problem.