im only 16 i am no one to tell a 30 year old man how to live his life. i feel really bad for the things that have happen to u and u say u dont want to die but u dont wanna live. i dont want to sound rude and i guess i have never been in real life but i have felt the pain i am a really big bible girl now i believe that when u truly want to get better and pray god will meet ur hard work half way. if u go to a church and start getting a better relationship with him the more he will help u. u should never want to die how would those three girls feel if u died . my uncle passed away a years ago two days after my birthday in his sleep no one knew y or how doctors couldnt even tell us. god works in weird ways and its hard no one being able to tell his kids what happened. trust me ppl always will there when ur in really bad need. the time u spend in ur bed u could spend trying to find a job and going to church to turn ur life around it worked for me i stoped burning myself when i turned to god he helped me get my grades up and i have a full ride to texas tech for softball now. i believe in u things can get better
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