Everyday all I want to is cry. Nothing has every really worked out for me. My mother has gotten breast cancer twice and my brother is stuck with a chronic disease for the rest of his life. I can’t trust anyone because they are all judgemental fucks especially church, the one place you would expect to feel free and even there there is no peace. Only a bunch of hypocrites. I can’t talk to anyone that’s why I’m writing here, I can’t tell anyone how I feel in person I just seem to burden them. I tried to overdose on pills but it did nothing, absolutely nothing. I have been going To the counsellor but I can’t even be fully honest with him .. I just want to disappear forever. But something is not letting me.
Baby its God not letting you. He has a plan for your life obviously. You should thank Him for that. Im a christian and a goth christian at that. Ive been judges for my lip rings, my dark makeup, clothes, and jewelery but u know what? It was mainly by other so called christians! And they were shocked when they found out that i was a christian as well. You cant judge Jesus off other peoples actions because they dont always represent Him like they should sweetie. But He will take care of you and he will get them for judging u like that one day. You are precious and dont u forget that!! I love u and so does Jesus no matter how people may make u feel!! And as far as ur mom and brother… I know u wanna question God as to why it all happened and im sure the parents of columbine and conneticut schools question Him too but you know what? Theres a devil too that causes bad things to happen on earth after all he is the ruler of this earth! Just know that the truth of Gods love is not that He allows bad things to happen but that He will be right there with us to keep us strong and love us when they do. Write me if u wanna talk.
You can say whatever you want here! Sorry for the unfortunate luck you been having, my mom died of cancer and my brother too, try to appreciate them while they are still here, life is sometimes a bowl of cherries and then again a bowl of pits. Try to put more cherries in the bowl and throw out those pits.
Hi Misery95,
As a man who struggles not to be a hypcrite and mainly fails, I thought I would say a few words. .. alas I dont know words to say to make it better. But as a Christian I know this much, that the world is full of lies. Its really hard to spot them sometimes and its hard to spot who is genuine.
I think I should point out that in your other post you say that you look at suicide as a way to peace. That is not true. There will be no peace, not for you or your family, or those who love you and dont know how to express it.
Often when people are depressed those around them dont speak as they are scared of what to say and scared of saying the wrong thing. Silence doesnt mean you are unloved.
The evil one twists the truth and is it war with us, but God loves us and isnt silent.
God is not dead as many here would say he is.
The prophets predicted that all this would happen. That the love of many would grow cold.
I dont know the answer but I know that suicide isnt it. You cant seek peace or justice by taking a life, even yours.
The bible teaches that Jesus is the one who judges and that he has been given this authority by God. Yet even as I say this I know that I fall short and sin myself in this way. For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
thats right!! well said!!!