I have battled depression since I was 14 and have had multiple failed suicide attempts. Â Recently I have come to realize how messed up society is and that because my father has hovered over me my whole life, none of my achievements are mine they are all just his in my name. Â I am failing half of my classes at school and I am definitely not going to graduate. Â Knowing my father my life is just going to end up being a giant hell hole. Â I just want to die and stay dead this time.
HEy you. Dont go. Stay here and talk some more. What is one thing you are pretty good at. Just ONE thing. Lets start there. But you have to be here to tell me. Ok?
I was great at cheer leading but I got kicked off the squad because of my father.
So you are athletic. Strong. Can lead people.
Awesome attributes.
Tell me one without adding your dad on the end of it. I want to know about you. Not what he did or didnt do. Because you are the one on here. I know you are awesome at a lot of stuff. But when you feel as crappy as you say you do – it is difficult to separate yourself from him and soon you feel not good at anything.
So what were you good at in particular in CL?
I was on the stunting squad as a base
Holy crap – you are incredibly trustworthy & strong to be a base.
So your coach saw these qualities in you.
You know you have these qualities.
You are strong and trustworthy with or without your dad being part of the equation.
Ill bet these good attributes spill over into other parts of life.
I don’t see it. I look in the mirror and see someone who’s living a waste of a life.
Don’t worry life is gonna get better… trust me oh ya i kow it night b to late but still… 🙂