4 weeks ago I changed antidepressants from citalopram to sertraline. Since then I’ve been paranoid and have anxiety issues, which I never had before, and the depression comes in waves now. Some times I feel ok, and then i’ll plummet and wish I could just take the scalpel to my throat. I feel so alone. No one cares about me. I don’t blame them, I’m not likeable, very boring, hate going out, hide in my room, am short fat and ugly, a triple threat. It just seems pointless. If I’m to spend the rest of my life alone, what’s the point in living it? I don’t know how to make my life have a purpose – not helped by being the laziest person I know! But again, how do I change that? It’s not just laziness but also fear! My mother made me so afraid of “rocking the boat or standing out” that I can’t stand up for myself and continually get walked all over, and my days always told me little girls should be seen and not heard, so I’m quiet. Then my sister made me believe that you could only be happy if you were dying to be thin! I feel completely out of control and have lost the will to try and make things better. But is it me that feels this way, or is it the drugs? Am I really this sad pathetic person? I hate myself for that the most, above being fat, and a Selfish cow. This is probably me, so no wonder I’m alone. I get that, but I don’t like it, and I can’t change it. So what’s the point? I don’t want to do this any more. I just want an easy way out. Is that too much to ask?? On top of everything else? Apparently so 🙁
What other people think is important isnt necessarily what you think is important and that’s okay. Stay strong!
antidepressants take a while for you to climbatize to them.
when i have had switchovers before the first thing i notice is the severe paranoia, which leads to all kinds of nasty emotions.
you should voice this to your doctor, if you are on the wrong drugs or drugs in general are not right for you then it may be best to avoid them
and agreed with the above reply
stay strong