swearing helps yr.tolerance for pain physical or emotional explains alot. i love getting my frustrations out through writing. cheryl from wendys yr and old.ugly.masculin twofaced ****. mary who is debatable “nicer” is a crater faced ***** enthusiist who loves grease! she acts all friendly to the customers and then to you shes overcompansatingly mentaly sedistic with her “intimidating manner” s this **** loves being incharge. i sentence her to get her eyes poked out while getting it up the ass by cheryl. these two lowlife useless pussys can rot in hell while going thru what i had to endure thru my standpoint yeah it wont be fun for them.will it. blah blah im getting lazy to.type
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Stay strong … Is the hardest thing you can do ! But stay strong in every moments
Can you give me your opinion about my story please ? http://suicideproject.org/2013/02/hope-to-die/