Dont know how to start. Iam so tired of this life it have nothing for me i’m depressed and i have taken some treathment for it it helped a little when i was in hospital for 2 months. now there has just becom more things that makes me want to do suicide. I have once tried to do it with pills and i was almost death when my wife found me. Then i have been for spychiastrist for talking but it just wont help. The things what eat me inside is just too much to take care like when i married my wife all my friends turned their back for me and i cant get never own child theres something wrong whit me. Iam just so messed up i just cant take it no more i think i’m done and my financial goed bad too maby loose my house. Just feels like everyone ja all things is against me and i cant take it anymore. I thik its better that i just do suicide but how i dont know yet maby by poisoning my self
Don’t kill yourself! It’s not worth it. You have things in your life worth holding onto. What about your wife? She’s there, and she loves you, otherwise she wouldn’t have married you. Things will get better, I promise. Just keep holding on, and keep trying to find a reason to live for.
Wife dell i dont know anymore what she really wants. I have tried to tell about my feelings but i think she dont want understant me always she just turn our conversations abaut how bad she feels and what i do wrong but it is no matter what i do i do it wrong. So there i cant get any help and our marriage in these days only fighting but i just cant leave her. I have tried to say all ppl i know that i cant take this shit long anymore