everythings bad. Ive tried so many things to get better , But I don’t want to get better , I want to kill myself. Ive tried a couple times , it never works . this time it will though , I hate my life , Im ugly , my family hate me , I have no friends , Im depression , I cant even go outside without having an anxiety attack . I don’t have a life anymore , All I do all day is sit in my room. I cant even go to school , no one talks to me , I have scars everywhere . I don’t eat , I don’t sleep. God I hate it. Bye
Maybe you don’t want to get better because you feel there is nothing to get better for? I know I understand that feeling. But it isn’t true, you have a lot to contribute to this life, and I think you should give it another chance, no matter how painful it is. And it is painful, to be alive. Of course dying would be ideal, the easiest way, but I know you have purpose. You’ve helped me already by knowing that someone else feels that same way that I do, and that is invaluable… this feeling that I am not completely alone. And neither are you. Please stay.
Man i am.very similar i have literally one friend who i cant even talk to bout my real feelings. I cant go to school i cant have a job right now. Everyday is just a nother repeat of the same . Its like a broken record that i can change the song if i want but it will still be broken. I could turn to suicide again but im too scared to. Idk whih im more scared of life or death. My mind aches of pain i literally feel sicl all the time from all the dostirbong thoughts i get. No one gets me i constantly feel judged. I just want you to know there is others like you out there. Please dont kill yourself.