I have been off work for two days with a migraine. I work away from home so I can’t even be with “loved ones” when I am like this. I have no one to talk to when I am away and am getting so very tired. Thankfully I work in a job where killing myself is very easy and can be an “accident” so that someone will still get my life insurance. I have thought about killing myself so many times it would be strange to have a day without those thoughts. I don’t know why I feel this way, I have a loving family, a good upbringing, I am just fucked in the head.
1 comment
Hello *LonelyCalgary*.
It is upsetting to read about how you feel.
Sometimes, it is difficult to find a reason for why we feel so empty.
Don’t let this get you down.
If this feeling continues, I suggest you go and see your doctor, just in case.
It isn’t healthy to be contemplating suicide on a regular basis. Are you unhappy with your life?
Please stay strong.
I am here if you ever need to talk.
All my love, LOBT (LivingOnBorrowedTime.)