A young man, Matthew Vines, makes a detailed an impassioned speech to his church regarding the original intent of the words in the bible regarding homosexuality and what it means within the kingdom of God.
For those of you that believe and wonder why god would “afflict” you with such a “curse” of conflict, this mans logic and arguments within the constraints of theology and historical translation will likely give you comfort and confidence that god never intended to forsake you – that instead it’s men who instead choose to push an agenda of persecuting diversity, who have manipulated the words of god and his original intent for their own earthly, mortal designs contrary to god’s will.
The video is one hour and worth the time to fully understand the nuances and contexts of what the bible actually says – for those believes who have always just gone along based on what you’ve been taught – here’s a chance to “see” from a different point of view in a broader context instead of the narrow, isolated passages long removed for their original intent.
for more context – i am atheist so i think it’s all a silly yet wildly hurtful persecution of LGBT that no one should endure.
My hope is that this post/offering will give some comfort, confidence and understanding to those conflicted by the revelation of their sexual identity that they will find the strength to be who they are despite the nonacceptance of those who have closed their minds and want to impose their will on others – and that perhaps this will open some of those closed minds to see our LGBT brothers and sisters… as loving brothers and sisters and not as “abominations”
learning dawg
If the fetus you save is gay, will you still fight for its rights?
I read that on a bumper sticker last week.
“Of course I support gay marriage. The gays have just as much right to be miserable as their straight counterparts.”. – Anonymous comedian
I suggest that this post is too controversial for this website. It’s not wise to tell a suicidal person things that are not necessarily correct. There is much discussion on the internet about whether Matthew Vines is misleading. Both his past denomination and the denomination in which he recorded his famous video, rejected his theological arguments. Even claims within this post are false, EG that Vines uses “logic and arguments within the constraints of theology and historical translation”. If there are constraints of theology in Christianity, they would include the concept that the Bible defines Christian belief, and was assembled under God’s supervision. Yet Vines claims that the writers lacked the modern understanding that we have today, and that because of this some of what they wrote can be disregarded. Constraints of mainstream Christian theology also mean that aspects of the Old Testament remain valid. Vines disagrees with this standard constraint of theology too. And vines also disagrees with historical translations.
@Tom – I disagree with god and theology altogether … there is no god … that is my truth … and for those LGBT who are conflicted with their sexuality and faith … this is every bit as justifiable as whatever bullshit bible passage says otherwise.
Either way – it was all written by men … men with agendas … and when men with agendas don’t like someone, what better way to destroy them than to make it the “word of god” … but it’s not the “word of god” … there is no god.
one cool thing about this site is – we can and often say whatever we want – to each other and FOR each other … so unless you’re gay or suicidal – i invite you to go kindly fuck yourself
Have a Gay day 🙂
rainbow dawg