We all have felt the pain of this cruel world. Bullies, insensitive adults, ridiculing teachers, and so much more. This is a pain that seems to last forever. Truth is, it really does. I still can remember the pain I felt when I was bullied in elementary school. No matter how many cuts and bruises we take, we will never feel a relief. I love to feel the bite of any razor, and even cut over the same cuts over and over. Still though, over time the pain I recieve from these cuts dwindle more and more over time. My body now ridden with dozens of scars. My neck constantly bruised from belts. I can never say that self harm does nothing, but I can tell you that it wont solve anything. Im a cutting addict. Cutting is just like smoking; you dont need to cut, but you really want to. I have been cutting for years and I am not sure if I can quit.
The pain never lasts, and yet never leaves.
written by ThroughTheLight
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I cut myself for years, but finally managed to put it aside, you just gotta find something else to let out the anger and the pain you feel inside xx