This lady came to my school today and talked about the dangers of dark magic. She talked about demon possession and how she was able to conjure spirits when she was in high school. I find it all entirely fascinating, but I am getting far too caught up in the dark world for it to be safe anymore. I feel constantly trapped in darkness and emptiness. I am never happy anymore. I have nothing to live for. I stopped using drugs and cutting nearly six weeks ago, and everything has grown worse, instead of better, since then. Everything is a constant battle. Far too often, I find myself sobbing on my bathroom floor in the middle of the night, with a blade in my hand, trying to refrain from cutting. I know that it sounds unpractical and cliche, but without cutting, I have no way to console myself. I understand that self harm can be dangerous, but having no way of escape seems to be much more dangerous. I feel defeated. I feel like a failure. Either I need to get worse so that I can just give up, or somehow I need to drastically change for the better. I need to get help, but I am unable to bring myself to do so. I just can’t keep living like this. I am in complete turmoil.
I need to change something before it’s too late, but I just can’t.
by sono_libero
written by sono_libero
The only way to let go of the dark is to embrace it with light and love. Light obliterates all darkness. Magic is a complex art and dangerous science in that you practice and begin to believe that you understand it and can control it, and that is the moment your ego begins to take over and the weight of the universe comes crashing in. It is an eternally large space and there is infinitely more of it than yourself.
Living for others, not in the sense that someone might miss you, but becoming useful to a group of people, is one way to hold a light to that darkness. There is power in light, and I find that people desire dark because they believe it holds more power than light. But it takes far more power to hold a candle in a dark world.
The world is really a big shade of gray but there is a goodness in it, another way you can let go of some of that feeling of failing is to recognize that there is good and bad in everything, dark and light, and sometimes bad things happen but result in the most beautiful good thing. It’s about balance, forgiveness (yourself included), compassion, but most importantly the obeisense to the universe.
We’re tiny, small specks of dust, spinning our wheels. Don’t fill it with more violence because you want to feel better temporarily. There is a great axiom, would you cut a child with a small pin for a million dollars? Of course not, because it’s wrong, but more importantly because an act of violence, however small, will always balance out, just as acts of love and kindness do, even if not in this lifetime or directly involving you.
Your hurting yourself is perpetuating violence into the world and that cycles through the karmic balance. If you truly believe in magic, and are intelligent enough to learn, than you should know better than to believe that there is anything to be gained easily. Cutting yourself is easy. It’s an endorphin rush and your basically abusing yourself to get high. There are ways to let magic flow through you and heal you with out resorting to darkness, in any form.
And lastly, just because something looks light or dark, from another angle, will cast an entirely different shadow. Don’t label things you don’t understand. I say this as I remind myself to take my own advice 🙂
Personally I would cut that psycho wingnut nut who came to your school to talk about superstitious nonsense and whoever invited her to speak. Sometimes other people’s blood is more cathartic to air out, especially when they deserve it…
I don’t have anything against her at all. She’s better now. In fact, I found it very interesting to hear her story. Her name’s Jessica Galsbeth. You can look her up if you’d like.