I realize that I got ahead of myself in the last post, left out some key points…. left out reasons why. At this point I sat down in class, this stuff I have not shared….I had enough of being a freak show for one day. I go to school with about 100 students…. I am the youngest there…. only a baby…. only 18. I moved away from my family to go to school. I wanted to be happy, I was free of the shadows and pressures that suffocated me day after day. I wasn’t happy, I never was. I didn’t know anyone, so I didn’t talk. I met some people and we became “friends.” One girl in particular seemed familiar. Once I pressed her about the situation, it turned out we met once at a football game in the marching band welcoming groups. We became fast friends, we ate together, studied together, did everything…… It got annoying really fast, I so desperately wanted a friend, but I couldn’t force myself to keep this up. So I tried to distance myself from her, but she noticed and clung for dear life. One day at job training she kept disappearing somewhere. So I asked her where. She told me that a guy at the mortuary liked her and they were off talking. So I left it at that. The next day the same guy starts talking to me. He’s cute, charming, I liked talking to me….. But he ruined everything. He gave me his number in front of my friend….. She accused me of trying to steal him and called me a whore. She called me so many names…. but she was right….. in a way. I was so upset about the move and school and leaving my dad behind that I started talking to men on the internet. I don’t know if they even liked me…. probably smelled the vulnerability I guess. I wanted to be happy even for a moment…. didn’t want to feel unwanted so. I did things I had never done before with those men. Rumors got around about me and the snickering started. I messed up again and everyone knew about it….. I heard my friend say she wanted to report the people in the apartments for rule breaking…. zero-tolerance campus. I warned my neighbors. My act of trying to help people would be the downfall of that friendship. She denied saying it, caused a scene….. everyone started realizing she was unstable… she said she should probably be a serial killer. Well one day she walked into the lounge crying, screaming her head off at me and some other girls…. to this day I can’t remember her words. We stopped talking stopped everything and I was ok with it. I moved on. met a new guy and he seemed different. sweet. He took me on a real date, instead of trying to screw me. He asked me out for another date and I said yes. He came back a couple times we just hung out and talked for awhile. One night he wanted to drink…. well he did. He was a mean drunk. I had never been hit my a man before. Never laid on my kitchen floor sobbing before. He left me there. I got up went to bed and cried. I didn’t hear from him for a week after that. I told him it was over. He didn’t like that, but he never came back. I moved on to a man I went to school with. He was goofy and made me laugh…. but his situation was a complicated one. I developed feelings for him that i never meant to.  It hurt me but I cut it off told him we couldn’t be friends anymore…. I isolated myself and became sick. The next week was Halloween! Finally a good day. But that week a friend from back home was shot and later died. I was in a daze…. I posted things online about giving up about regretting things…. I began to slice and slice. I wanted to not feel anything, it was like I was in a trace…. like i was hovering over my body watching myself sink the blade into my skin. My phone went off…. for some reason I looked at it. A message…. for a man I never met, talking to me and asking about my problems like he cared…. I wasn’t going to talk to him but I did… he told me about his life and problems and after I told him I has slashed myself he told me he used to do the same. We clicked. I wanted to die but something about him…. I still don’t know. I wrapped myself up, I never tried to stop the bleeding before….. We kept talking after that night, exchanged numbers, and talked even more. Everyday. On Halloween I went to a bar for a party with some friends from school. I had fun, at first. We went to the dance floor and started dancing around with each other. One by one the people I came with disappeared…. I looked around and as soon as I looked up a man came up behind me and started grinding. I felt uncomfortable so I turned to leave. He grabbed my butt pushed me into a pillar in the middle of the floor, kissed and licked my neck, then stuck his hand up my skirt. I wiggled to get away, but he had a firm grasp. He continued moving his hand upwards as he kissed up to my mouth, I got my other hand loose and punched him. I ran as fast as I could out of the club, out on to the road my vision was blurry as I headed back to my apartment….. the people I came with were in the parking lot talking they looked at me and asked what was wrong. I told them. I told them what happened…. do you know what they told me…. “Your costume provoked him, maybe you shouldn’t have decided to go as a whore.” They laughed and then left. I went to my apartment…. I forgot I wasn’t alone…. a friend was on the couch sleeping he was pretty smashed….. I sat beside him and he sat up looked at me and then kissed my neck…..I was in shock….. maybe it was my costume? Maybe I really am a whore…. I didn’t stop him…. I didn’t even try to stop him. The next morning we woke up and had class. He left quickly leaving me with my thoughts. I washed up got dressed and went to class. I acted as if none of it happened. That guy never talked to me again…. I didn’t know what I did wrong. I never told anyone about that. I stopped telling people about my problems. I made it through the first semester. The month break was what I needed. During the break my friend from online and I grew closer and closer. He told me he loved me. I didn’t know I’m pretty sure I said something stupid in return. How should he love me we never met before? I let him say it. I didn’t believe him at the time…. But eventually, I did.
1 comment
1 comment
It sounds a little like you are addicted to men (I am too!) and that you are running from unstable relationship to unstable relationship because you don’t want to be alone. I would say that taking a break from dating, for a long while to get your head in order isn’t the worst idea. Allow yourself to be you and then heal your wounds. It will be easier to date when you’re happy! You’ll make fewer bad decisions. And stay away from douche bags, you need to work on your radar! They’re easy to spot, they tend to take advantage, talk about themselves, and show little to no interest in what you are interested in.