I used to have the bestest friend ever. You know, like the one that lives in your neighborhood and you guys hangout everyday. This year, she started hanging out with one of my old friends named Jenna. I mean, I thought we could all hangout together bc that would be fun! But no, and I would realize too late that I was being replaced.
One day during a hurricane, me and my bestest friend went to my grandfathers house during a storm. Because of the storm, the power was out at both of our houses (so I took her to go to my grandfathers house to charge her phone, take shower, eat food etc.) After her shower, she asked me to braid her hair. So I braided it all nicely and took her phone to take a picture. On her phone was a message from Jenna, so I opened it…
It said “cuz shes annoying” on it. I scrolled up a little and this is what I saw between her and Jenna:
Jenna: do u want to hang out with marissa today?
steph(bestest friend): noo
Jenna: why?
steph: cuz shes annoying
Jenna: hahaha I love youuu
And that’s what I saw. I confronted Steph, and I made her go home. To this day we aren’t friends, and she starts rumors about me with Jenna. She’s the main reason why I feel depressed. She was my best friend. The one person I went to with everything.
I know I am annoying. haha most people are in their own way! But its the way that it was said that hurt me the most, and it still hurts me just thinking about it. I have lost many friends this year. She is the one that really hurt me the most.
I’m gonna quote one of your comments because its exactly what you need to hear as well. “Just take a deep breath, and try to relax. Drama with friends will eventually pass and life will get better.” by Marissa1118
Your right, I should take my own advice.
A lot of people should. Sometimes we don’t see it haha.