Today I went to a farm and got some milk and visited the baby cows. (Oh my god, I sound like I’m 5) I really did, isn’t that sad? I talked to the baby cows and they were so cute and I actually felt they accepted me. I’m sure they looked at me in an accepting way. It’s the most social I’ve been in awhile. There was a rooster too, but I didn’t talk to him. They had this tea called kumbuchu? And it’s almost like hard cider , it’s kind of giving me a buzz. That was all after I’d gotten lost for an hour on dirt roads and almost started crying. Really, I used to drive all over the state without shedding a tear. I’m using humour (attempting) to stop myself from getting upset. And that was my big day in the country.
Sounds fun to me!
Awww, baby cows! Sounds adorable. Animals are wonderful and indeed accepting.
I’ve lost my way before. Sometimes I end up in strange places and sometimes in front of something entirely unexpected and wonderful.
Well thanks @riverrun, it was actually fun, but I get stressed going out lately. @fancy..they were so cute and I’ll take their pictures next time. @L270, you are right of course, it can be a way of seeing something new you would never have seen. I will try and remember, that’s how I used to think too…:)
By the way, it’s a very small farm and all the owner does is free graze a really small number of cows on natural grasses and she milks them one at a time, and rotates them so most are getting time off for months and not being milked at all. I met the big cows and they seem happy as far as I can tell, and come over to you. The milk is fresh and really nice.
Re-discovering good memories – my favorite pastime if it could be one