i came to SP for closure, for understanding and to see other peoples hell and see what they are going through, but i have realised. people with depression should not congregate to one site. it just seems to be making the depression worse. with so many peoples opinions being viewed it makes you realise things you didn’t want to ever think about, it makes you even sadder and lonely. i myself am normally a fan of brutal honesty, i even invite it. but this site, i just don’t know if it is doing good? or making it worse?
good point. I think it works both ways, for some they feel a bit better knowing they are not the only one. For others, they feed off the depression and try to one-up the rest. Your choice, stay or go. Peace out, take care either way.
I can see how it could affect someone negatively. Me, I get a feeling of release when I come here, whether I’m posting or reading other people’s thoughts. I guess it depends on why you’re here.
If you come here hoping to find inspiration, positive vibes or secrets of beating the agony, I don’t think you’ll find it (although there are bits scattered everywhere). But if, like me, you come here to say morbid things and discuss issues you aren’t allowed to say in “polite society”, this is exactly what the doctor ordered. So much of my frustration with life is due to the fact that society is oblivious, or willfully ignorant, of pain. Here I see I’m not the only one who suffers to the point of extinction, and others are willing to talk openly about it. A downer, yes. But so is an enema, and sometimes you just gotta have one.
Please read some of my posts that are up. I think they might help you. Give it a try, and I am open to criticism or comments… We have to remember that we all have one thing in common. We all think that this world and reality is, well BS.
<3 Mother of Flowers
I don’t know, I disagree. This site is like my insurance policy whenever I feel like offing myself. People say suicide is insane however, I feel like I get a dose of sanity nurturing and compassion posting here that I don’t find in real life.
It feels good listening and helping other people and having that reciprocated without judgement. Where else can you talk to strangers so openly about suicide and feel accepted?