That is not tough love or correction its pure hatred. U like fut jmIcan guy, your dad ends w f, im going to hell. They cup prt of my hip off…u know I died in the wtc. I’m a pig. True love always wins. Who in their right mind ever loved or wanted you or even considered u a beautiful.girl. God wants winners not bum dirt fornicating lowers or liars. What a cruel tool I am. Future jmaicn guy I love.
No future for pigs. I woke up this morning practically dead. My heart was on the wrong side n i was unconscious. I only took my meds like i always do. I’m only 32 yrs old. Their hatred n cruelty robbed me of a long life, health, happiness or anything. My body hurts. I’m scared it’ll hppn again. Whether it does or not im doubt I’ll live a few more yrs. Should a 6 yr old like sex n be a fat fool or tool of the devil. The point was no man would desire you for sex your a bad woman, a ugly tamil child, daughter to ppl, world. Da Us will drop like flies. Their were spikes down there for each fuc up n hell had changed to pure cruelty. It is pure cruelty. There is no future for fat ugly ppl.
Formula of a favourite daughter, loveliness, true love. No man will desire a womN like barathy n for love, sex. You use rajes, n others bc your ugly, disgusting, repulsive, without beauty n bad. A hated bad woman.
Sorry ur in that situation…