30 second run time
Imagine this contained in the skull, I’m 99% certain this will be an instant death.
30 second run time
Imagine this contained in the skull, I’m 99% certain this will be an instant death.
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i don’t mean to sound cold, but you’re very lucky to be able to do this. i have to go out by hanging. *sigh*
I’m still at 95% lol
Should do the trick!
Ummm, yes. People have accomplished suicide with smaller firearms.
Sorry it’s so bad for you. Hope you find peace, if that’s for sure what you want. Please be certain.
I attended a funeral once of a young teen who chose to end it by firearm. Yes, it destroyed his flesh. His was an open casket service but being a cowboy his family put a hat over his face. So young just starting out. This family was plagued by suicide as he wasn’t the first and or last. I remember the family going up for the final viewing before closing the casket and one of them removed the hat. That pain could be heard and felt to everyone that was in that service that day. His flesh body was dead but his spirit that we all possess lives on because these bodies that we inhabit are temporal and not made to last but our spirits live on well after we depart. I don’t know any of you but I am sure you all have families; parents, maybe brother and sisters and neices, nephews, cousins and grandparents. I wonder what the young and impressionable think about when they attend the funeral of a loved one who made this choice. In this family, once started it carried until 3 I believe were taken by suicide. Losses come in 3 is an old wives tale that I have grown up in but there is truth to it, I believe. I suffered through 3 great losses in 3 years from natural causes. A beloved brother, grandmother and mother in that order. There is a better way to live if we would only look up and believe in God. I will leave it at that. Choices…Consequences
I have a chose between a regular .45 bullet & a hollow tip .45. Not sure which on is more effective, fastest & less painful between the two.
Hollow tip spreads out on impact doing more damage.
everything would be so much easier with a gun
I’m pretty sure that will do the job.
The problem, miniwiconi, is that those caring people do not transform their caring into corrective measures and solutions. They simply “care” from a distance, passively, allowing nature to take its course. A suffering being who cannot relieve themselves of their agony, will naturally seek to end their agony by whatever means necessary. Unfortunately, for some of us, death is the only viable solution… and there is not enough of anything the individual wants, that the individual can actually realistically expect to achieve, that is worth continuing suffering so much.
So, yes, people care. We know. We regret the anguish they will feel, but their “caring” alone, is simply not enough.
What people like us need, are results; when those required results are not attainable, whether or not anyone “cares” is beside the point.
It sucks that this world creates such irredeemable suffering for so many of us… but i see no reason to believe or expect that will change, anytime soon.
Thanks for the reinsurance of this working, I can’t bare the thought of another failed attempt
To MiniWiconi7,
I agree with opinions, but not to religious preaching on here…
Hopefully the gun will work… I can’t get nobody to shoot me… Yet part of me is frightened of the aftereffects for myself. At the moment I don’t want to be shot but when I’m old and frail, I’m gonna try to get someone to help me die if I can’t do it myself. Use a gun! Just shoot it through the mouth, at an angle which allows the bullet to hit through the top of the head. Use a hollow-tipped bullet! The bigger the gun the better! Just have strong arms if you don’t want to misaim…
The real battle for us is in our own minds. What we let in to shape our thoughts, our beliefs or lack of. It is what seperates us from the animals. We have reason. But if you don’t protect your thought life and let continually negative in day after day then yes other people can’t help us because we can’t help ourselves and anything said to help is meaningless. Everything goes well for those who are not touched by the pain of suffering as they seem to function just fine working on their plans, working their great job with benefits and retirement living in leisure and recreation. This world is full of them. How many different tournament champions can there be in this temporal world. But none of those things that are attained material wise will we take with us when our time comes. But for those of us that have been dished out the platter of pain and suffering, we find a different path. One that either leads to life or destruction. Ahh a bullet you ask. How many times have I had a .45 or a .357 or the barrel of 7.62 x39mm otherwise known as the AK-47 in my hands. These weapons I have had in my mouth contemplating exiting stage right. I thank God that I didn’t. Selfish as I was I learned that it was this very selfishness that kept me from enjoying the peace that he has to offer. I believe that the people who commit suicide are so close to realizing what it really takes to let him flow through us. To hate ourselves to the point that we don’t want to live anymore, tired of it all. This is a great truth that I have learned that we have to die a deeper death everyday if he is to flow through us. A form of suicide but one that produces oh such more than death. Life the way it was meant to be lived. For him and not for us. If he is for us who can be against us.